
// exported from runtime.
func modinfo() string

// ReadBuildInfo returns the build information embedded
// in the running binary. The information is available only
// in binaries built with module support.
func ReadBuildInfo() (info *BuildInfo, ok bool) {}

type BuildInfo

type Module

type BuildSetting

// quoteKey reports whether key is required to be quoted.
func quoteKey(key string) bool {}

// quoteValue reports whether value is required to be quoted.
func quoteValue(value string) bool {}

// String returns a string representation of a [BuildInfo].
func (bi *BuildInfo) String() string {}

// ParseBuildInfo parses the string returned by [*BuildInfo.String],
// restoring the original BuildInfo,
// except that the GoVersion field is not set.
// Programs should normally not call this function,
// but instead call [ReadBuildInfo], [debug/buildinfo.ReadFile],
// or [debug/buildinfo.Read].
func ParseBuildInfo(data string) (bi *BuildInfo, err error) {}