
type Error

type TypeAssertionError

func (*TypeAssertionError) RuntimeError() {}

func (e *TypeAssertionError) Error() string {}

// itoa converts val to a decimal representation. The result is
// written somewhere within buf and the location of the result is returned.
// buf must be at least 20 bytes.
func itoa(buf []byte, val uint64) []byte {}

type errorString

func (e errorString) RuntimeError() {}

func (e errorString) Error() string {}

type errorAddressString

func (e errorAddressString) RuntimeError() {}

func (e errorAddressString) Error() string {}

// Addr returns the memory address where a fault occurred.
// The address provided is best-effort.
// The veracity of the result may depend on the platform.
// Errors providing this method will only be returned as
// a result of using [runtime/debug.SetPanicOnFault].
func (e errorAddressString) Addr() uintptr {}

type plainError

func (e plainError) RuntimeError() {}

func (e plainError) Error() string {}

type boundsError

type boundsErrorCode

const boundsIndex

const boundsSliceAlen

const boundsSliceAcap

const boundsSliceB

const boundsSlice3Alen

const boundsSlice3Acap

const boundsSlice3B

const boundsSlice3C

const boundsConvert

var boundsErrorFmts

var boundsNegErrorFmts

func (e boundsError) RuntimeError() {}

func appendIntStr(b []byte, v int64, signed bool) []byte {}

func (e boundsError) Error() string {}

type stringer

// printpanicval prints an argument passed to panic.
// If panic is called with a value that has a String or Error method,
// it has already been converted into a string by preprintpanics.
// To ensure that the traceback can be unambiguously parsed even when
// the panic value contains "\ngoroutine" and other stack-like
// strings, newlines in the string representation of v are replaced by
// "\n\t".
func printpanicval(v any) {}

// Invariant: each newline in the string representation is followed by a tab.
func printanycustomtype(i any) {}

// printindented prints s, replacing "\n" with "\n\t".
func printindented(s string) {}

// panicwrap generates a panic for a call to a wrapped value method
// with a nil pointer receiver.
// It is called from the generated wrapper code.
func panicwrap() {}