
//go:linkname runtime_debug_WriteHeapDump runtime/debug.WriteHeapDump
func runtime_debug_WriteHeapDump(fd uintptr) {}

const fieldKindEol

const fieldKindPtr

const fieldKindIface

const fieldKindEface

const tagEOF

const tagObject

const tagOtherRoot

const tagType

const tagGoroutine

const tagStackFrame

const tagParams

const tagFinalizer

const tagItab

const tagOSThread

const tagMemStats

const tagQueuedFinalizer

const tagData

const tagBSS

const tagDefer

const tagPanic

const tagMemProf

const tagAllocSample

var dumpfd

var tmpbuf

const bufSize

var buf

var nbuf

func dwrite(data unsafe.Pointer, len uintptr) {}

func dwritebyte(b byte) {}

func flush() {}

const typeCacheBuckets

const typeCacheAssoc

type typeCacheBucket

var typecache

// dump a uint64 in a varint format parseable by encoding/binary.
func dumpint(v uint64) {}

func dumpbool(b bool) {}

// dump varint uint64 length followed by memory contents.
func dumpmemrange(data unsafe.Pointer, len uintptr) {}

func dumpslice(b []byte) {}

func dumpstr(s string) {}

// dump information for a type.
func dumptype(t *_type) {}

// dump an object.
func dumpobj(obj unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, bv bitvector) {}

func dumpotherroot(description string, to unsafe.Pointer) {}

func dumpfinalizer(obj unsafe.Pointer, fn *funcval, fint *_type, ot *ptrtype) {}

type childInfo

// dump kinds & offsets of interesting fields in bv.
func dumpbv(cbv *bitvector, offset uintptr) {}

func dumpframe(s *stkframe, child *childInfo) {}

func dumpgoroutine(gp *g) {}

func dumpgs() {}

func finq_callback(fn *funcval, obj unsafe.Pointer, nret uintptr, fint *_type, ot *ptrtype) {}

func dumproots() {}

var freemark

func dumpobjs() {}

func dumpparams() {}

func itab_callback(tab *itab) {}

func dumpitabs() {}

func dumpms() {}

func dumpmemstats(m *MemStats) {}

func dumpmemprof_callback(b *bucket, nstk uintptr, pstk *uintptr, size, allocs, frees uintptr) {}

func dumpmemprof() {}

var dumphdr

func mdump(m *MemStats) {}

func writeheapdump_m(fd uintptr, m *MemStats) {}

// dumpint() the kind & offset of each field in an object.
func dumpfields(bv bitvector) {}

func makeheapobjbv(p uintptr, size uintptr) bitvector {}