
const maxTinySize

const tinySizeClass

const maxSmallSize

const pageShift

const pageSize

const _PageSize

const _PageMask

const _64bit

const _TinySize

const _TinySizeClass

const _FixAllocChunk

const _StackCacheSize

const _NumStackOrders

const heapAddrBits

const maxAlloc

const heapArenaBytes

const heapArenaWords

const logHeapArenaBytes

const heapArenaBitmapWords

const pagesPerArena

const arenaL1Bits

const arenaL2Bits

const arenaL1Shift

const arenaBits

const arenaBaseOffset

const arenaBaseOffsetUintptr

const _MaxGcproc

const minLegalPointer

const minHeapForMetadataHugePages

var physPageSize

var physHugePageSize

var physHugePageShift

func mallocinit() {}

// sysAlloc allocates heap arena space for at least n bytes. The
// returned pointer is always heapArenaBytes-aligned and backed by
// h.arenas metadata. The returned size is always a multiple of
// heapArenaBytes. sysAlloc returns nil on failure.
// There is no corresponding free function.
// hintList is a list of hint addresses for where to allocate new
// heap arenas. It must be non-nil.
// register indicates whether the heap arena should be registered
// in allArenas.
// sysAlloc returns a memory region in the Reserved state. This region must
// be transitioned to Prepared and then Ready before use.
// h must be locked.
func (h *mheap) sysAlloc(n uintptr, hintList **arenaHint, register bool) (v unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {}

// sysReserveAligned is like sysReserve, but the returned pointer is
// aligned to align bytes. It may reserve either n or n+align bytes,
// so it returns the size that was reserved.
func sysReserveAligned(v unsafe.Pointer, size, align uintptr) (unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {}

// enableMetadataHugePages enables huge pages for various sources of heap metadata.
// A note on latency: for sufficiently small heaps (<10s of GiB) this function will take constant
// time, but may take time proportional to the size of the mapped heap beyond that.
// This function is idempotent.
// The heap lock must not be held over this operation, since it will briefly acquire
// the heap lock.
// Must be called on the system stack because it acquires the heap lock.
func (h *mheap) enableMetadataHugePages() {}

var zerobase

// nextFreeFast returns the next free object if one is quickly available.
// Otherwise it returns 0.
func nextFreeFast(s *mspan) gclinkptr {}

// nextFree returns the next free object from the cached span if one is available.
// Otherwise it refills the cache with a span with an available object and
// returns that object along with a flag indicating that this was a heavy
// weight allocation. If it is a heavy weight allocation the caller must
// determine whether a new GC cycle needs to be started or if the GC is active
// whether this goroutine needs to assist the GC.
// Must run in a non-preemptible context since otherwise the owner of
// c could change.
func (c *mcache) nextFree(spc spanClass) (v gclinkptr, s *mspan, checkGCTrigger bool) {}

const doubleCheckMalloc

// Allocate an object of size bytes.
// Small objects are allocated from the per-P cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
// mallocgc should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/bytedance/gopkg
//   - github.com/bytedance/sonic
//   - github.com/cloudwego/frugal
//   - github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach
//   - github.com/cockroachdb/pebble
//   - github.com/ugorji/go/codec
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname mallocgc
func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) unsafe.Pointer {}

func mallocgcTiny(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) (unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {}

func mallocgcSmallNoscan(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) (unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {}

func mallocgcSmallScanNoHeader(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) (unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {}

func mallocgcSmallScanHeader(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) (unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {}

func mallocgcLarge(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) (unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {}

func preMallocgcDebug(size uintptr, typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {}

func postMallocgcDebug(x unsafe.Pointer, elemsize uintptr, typ *_type) {}

// deductAssistCredit reduces the current G's assist credit
// by size bytes, and assists the GC if necessary.
// Caller must be preemptible.
// Returns the G for which the assist credit was accounted.
func deductAssistCredit(size uintptr) {}

// memclrNoHeapPointersChunked repeatedly calls memclrNoHeapPointers
// on chunks of the buffer to be zeroed, with opportunities for preemption
// along the way.  memclrNoHeapPointers contains no safepoints and also
// cannot be preemptively scheduled, so this provides a still-efficient
// block copy that can also be preempted on a reasonable granularity.
// Use this with care; if the data being cleared is tagged to contain
// pointers, this allows the GC to run before it is all cleared.
func memclrNoHeapPointersChunked(size uintptr, x unsafe.Pointer) {}

// implementation of new builtin
// compiler (both frontend and SSA backend) knows the signature
// of this function.
func newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {}

//go:linkname maps_newobject internal/runtime/maps.newobject
func maps_newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {}

// reflect_unsafe_New is meant for package reflect,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - gitee.com/quant1x/gox
//   - github.com/goccy/json
//   - github.com/modern-go/reflect2
//   - github.com/v2pro/plz
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname reflect_unsafe_New reflect.unsafe_New
func reflect_unsafe_New(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {}

//go:linkname reflectlite_unsafe_New internal/reflectlite.unsafe_New
func reflectlite_unsafe_New(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {}

// newarray allocates an array of n elements of type typ.
// newarray should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/RomiChan/protobuf
//   - github.com/segmentio/encoding
//   - github.com/ugorji/go/codec
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname newarray
func newarray(typ *_type, n int) unsafe.Pointer {}

// reflect_unsafe_NewArray is meant for package reflect,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - gitee.com/quant1x/gox
//   - github.com/bytedance/sonic
//   - github.com/goccy/json
//   - github.com/modern-go/reflect2
//   - github.com/segmentio/encoding
//   - github.com/segmentio/kafka-go
//   - github.com/v2pro/plz
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname reflect_unsafe_NewArray reflect.unsafe_NewArray
func reflect_unsafe_NewArray(typ *_type, n int) unsafe.Pointer {}

//go:linkname maps_newarray internal/runtime/maps.newarray
func maps_newarray(typ *_type, n int) unsafe.Pointer {}

// profilealloc resets the current mcache's nextSample counter and
// records a memory profile sample.
// The caller must be non-preemptible and have a P.
func profilealloc(mp *m, x unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {}

// nextSample returns the next sampling point for heap profiling. The goal is
// to sample allocations on average every MemProfileRate bytes, but with a
// completely random distribution over the allocation timeline; this
// corresponds to a Poisson process with parameter MemProfileRate. In Poisson
// processes, the distance between two samples follows the exponential
// distribution (exp(MemProfileRate)), so the best return value is a random
// number taken from an exponential distribution whose mean is MemProfileRate.
func nextSample() int64 {}

// fastexprand returns a random number from an exponential distribution with
// the specified mean.
func fastexprand(mean int) int32 {}

// nextSampleNoFP is similar to nextSample, but uses older,
// simpler code to avoid floating point.
func nextSampleNoFP() int64 {}

type persistentAlloc

var globalAlloc

const persistentChunkSize

var persistentChunks

// Wrapper around sysAlloc that can allocate small chunks.
// There is no associated free operation.
// Intended for things like function/type/debug-related persistent data.
// If align is 0, uses default align (currently 8).
// The returned memory will be zeroed.
// sysStat must be non-nil.
// Consider marking persistentalloc'd types not in heap by embedding
// internal/runtime/sys.NotInHeap.
func persistentalloc(size, align uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) unsafe.Pointer {}

// Must run on system stack because stack growth can (re)invoke it.
// See issue 9174.
func persistentalloc1(size, align uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) *notInHeap {}

// inPersistentAlloc reports whether p points to memory allocated by
// persistentalloc. This must be nosplit because it is called by the
// cgo checker code, which is called by the write barrier code.
func inPersistentAlloc(p uintptr) bool {}

type linearAlloc

func (l *linearAlloc) init(base, size uintptr, mapMemory bool) {}

func (l *linearAlloc) alloc(size, align uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) unsafe.Pointer {}

type notInHeap

func (p *notInHeap) add(bytes uintptr) *notInHeap {}

// redZoneSize computes the size of the redzone for a given allocation.
// Refer to the implementation of the compiler-rt.
func redZoneSize(userSize uintptr) uintptr {}