
const mallocHeaderSize

const minSizeForMallocHeader

// heapBitsInSpan returns true if the size of an object implies its ptr/scalar
// data is stored at the end of the span, and is accessible via span.heapBits.
// Note: this works for both rounded-up sizes (span.elemsize) and unrounded
// type sizes because minSizeForMallocHeader is guaranteed to be at a size
// class boundary.
func heapBitsInSpan(userSize uintptr) bool {}

type typePointers

// typePointersOf returns an iterator over all heap pointers in the range [addr, addr+size).
// addr and addr+size must be in the range [span.base(), span.limit).
// Note: addr+size must be passed as the limit argument to the iterator's next method on
// each iteration. This slightly awkward API is to allow typePointers to be destructured
// by the compiler.
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func (span *mspan) typePointersOf(addr, size uintptr) typePointers {}

// typePointersOfUnchecked is like typePointersOf, but assumes addr is the base
// of an allocation slot in a span (the start of the object if no header, the
// header otherwise). It returns an iterator that generates all pointers
// in the range [addr, addr+span.elemsize).
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func (span *mspan) typePointersOfUnchecked(addr uintptr) typePointers {}

// typePointersOfType is like typePointersOf, but assumes addr points to one or more
// contiguous instances of the provided type. The provided type must not be nil and
// it must not have its type metadata encoded as a gcprog.
// It returns an iterator that tiles typ.GCData starting from addr. It's the caller's
// responsibility to limit iteration.
// nosplit because its callers are nosplit and require all their callees to be nosplit.
func (span *mspan) typePointersOfType(typ *abi.Type, addr uintptr) typePointers {}

// nextFast is the fast path of next. nextFast is written to be inlineable and,
// as the name implies, fast.
// Callers that are performance-critical should iterate using the following
// pattern:
//	for {
//		var addr uintptr
//		if tp, addr = tp.nextFast(); addr == 0 {
//			if tp, addr = tp.next(limit); addr == 0 {
//				break
//			}
//		}
//		// Use addr.
//		...
//	}
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func (tp typePointers) nextFast() (typePointers, uintptr) {}

// next advances the pointers iterator, returning the updated iterator and
// the address of the next pointer.
// limit must be the same each time it is passed to next.
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func (tp typePointers) next(limit uintptr) (typePointers, uintptr) {}

// fastForward moves the iterator forward by n bytes. n must be a multiple
// of goarch.PtrSize. limit must be the same limit passed to next for this
// iterator.
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func (tp typePointers) fastForward(n, limit uintptr) typePointers {}

// objBase returns the base pointer for the object containing addr in span.
// Assumes that addr points into a valid part of span (span.base() <= addr < span.limit).
func (span *mspan) objBase(addr uintptr) uintptr {}

// bulkBarrierPreWrite executes a write barrier
// for every pointer slot in the memory range [src, src+size),
// using pointer/scalar information from [dst, dst+size).
// This executes the write barriers necessary before a memmove.
// src, dst, and size must be pointer-aligned.
// The range [dst, dst+size) must lie within a single object.
// It does not perform the actual writes.
// As a special case, src == 0 indicates that this is being used for a
// memclr. bulkBarrierPreWrite will pass 0 for the src of each write
// barrier.
// Callers should call bulkBarrierPreWrite immediately before
// calling memmove(dst, src, size). This function is marked nosplit
// to avoid being preempted; the GC must not stop the goroutine
// between the memmove and the execution of the barriers.
// The caller is also responsible for cgo pointer checks if this
// may be writing Go pointers into non-Go memory.
// Pointer data is not maintained for allocations containing
// no pointers at all; any caller of bulkBarrierPreWrite must first
// make sure the underlying allocation contains pointers, usually
// by checking typ.PtrBytes.
// The typ argument is the type of the space at src and dst (and the
// element type if src and dst refer to arrays) and it is optional.
// If typ is nil, the barrier will still behave as expected and typ
// is used purely as an optimization. However, it must be used with
// care.
// If typ is not nil, then src and dst must point to one or more values
// of type typ. The caller must ensure that the ranges [src, src+size)
// and [dst, dst+size) refer to one or more whole values of type src and
// dst (leaving off the pointerless tail of the space is OK). If this
// precondition is not followed, this function will fail to scan the
// right pointers.
// When in doubt, pass nil for typ. That is safe and will always work.
// Callers must perform cgo checks if goexperiment.CgoCheck2.
func bulkBarrierPreWrite(dst, src, size uintptr, typ *abi.Type) {}

// bulkBarrierPreWriteSrcOnly is like bulkBarrierPreWrite but
// does not execute write barriers for [dst, dst+size).
// In addition to the requirements of bulkBarrierPreWrite
// callers need to ensure [dst, dst+size) is zeroed.
// This is used for special cases where e.g. dst was just
// created and zeroed with malloc.
// The type of the space can be provided purely as an optimization.
// See bulkBarrierPreWrite's comment for more details -- use this
// optimization with great care.
func bulkBarrierPreWriteSrcOnly(dst, src, size uintptr, typ *abi.Type) {}

// initHeapBits initializes the heap bitmap for a span.
func (s *mspan) initHeapBits() {}

// heapBits returns the heap ptr/scalar bits stored at the end of the span for
// small object spans and heap arena spans.
// Note that the uintptr of each element means something different for small object
// spans and for heap arena spans. Small object spans are easy: they're never interpreted
// as anything but uintptr, so they're immune to differences in endianness. However, the
// heapBits for user arena spans is exposed through a dummy type descriptor, so the byte
// ordering needs to match the same byte ordering the compiler would emit. The compiler always
// emits the bitmap data in little endian byte ordering, so on big endian platforms these
// uintptrs will have their byte orders swapped from what they normally would be.
// heapBitsInSpan(span.elemsize) or span.isUserArenaChunk must be true.
func (span *mspan) heapBits() []uintptr {}

// Helper for constructing a slice for the span's heap bits.
func heapBitsSlice(spanBase, spanSize uintptr) []uintptr {}

// heapBitsSmallForAddr loads the heap bits for the object stored at addr from span.heapBits.
// addr must be the base pointer of an object in the span. heapBitsInSpan(span.elemsize)
// must be true.
func (span *mspan) heapBitsSmallForAddr(addr uintptr) uintptr {}

// writeHeapBitsSmall writes the heap bits for small objects whose ptr/scalar data is
// stored as a bitmap at the end of the span.
// Assumes dataSize is <= ptrBits*goarch.PtrSize. x must be a pointer into the span.
// heapBitsInSpan(dataSize) must be true. dataSize must be >= typ.Size_.
func (span *mspan) writeHeapBitsSmall(x, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type) (scanSize uintptr) {}

const doubleCheckHeapSetType

func heapSetTypeNoHeader(x, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type, span *mspan) uintptr {}

func heapSetTypeSmallHeader(x, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type, header **_type, span *mspan) uintptr {}

func heapSetTypeLarge(x, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type, span *mspan) uintptr {}

func doubleCheckHeapType(x, dataSize uintptr, gctyp *_type, header **_type, span *mspan) {}

func doubleCheckHeapPointers(x, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type, header **_type, span *mspan) {}

func doubleCheckHeapPointersInterior(x, interior, size, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type, header **_type, span *mspan) {}

func doubleCheckTypePointersOfType(s *mspan, typ *_type, addr, size uintptr) {}

func dumpTypePointers(tp typePointers) {}

// addb returns the byte pointer p+n.
func addb(p *byte, n uintptr) *byte {}

// subtractb returns the byte pointer p-n.
func subtractb(p *byte, n uintptr) *byte {}

// add1 returns the byte pointer p+1.
func add1(p *byte) *byte {}

// subtract1 returns the byte pointer p-1.
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func subtract1(p *byte) *byte {}

type markBits

func (s *mspan) allocBitsForIndex(allocBitIndex uintptr) markBits {}

// refillAllocCache takes 8 bytes s.allocBits starting at whichByte
// and negates them so that ctz (count trailing zeros) instructions
// can be used. It then places these 8 bytes into the cached 64 bit
// s.allocCache.
func (s *mspan) refillAllocCache(whichByte uint16) {}

// nextFreeIndex returns the index of the next free object in s at
// or after s.freeindex.
// There are hardware instructions that can be used to make this
// faster if profiling warrants it.
func (s *mspan) nextFreeIndex() uint16 {}

// isFree reports whether the index'th object in s is unallocated.
// The caller must ensure s.state is mSpanInUse, and there must have
// been no preemption points since ensuring this (which could allow a
// GC transition, which would allow the state to change).
func (s *mspan) isFree(index uintptr) bool {}

// divideByElemSize returns n/s.elemsize.
// n must be within [0, s.npages*_PageSize),
// or may be exactly s.npages*_PageSize
// if s.elemsize is from sizeclasses.go.
// nosplit, because it is called by objIndex, which is nosplit
func (s *mspan) divideByElemSize(n uintptr) uintptr {}

// nosplit, because it is called by other nosplit code like findObject
func (s *mspan) objIndex(p uintptr) uintptr {}

func markBitsForAddr(p uintptr) markBits {}

func (s *mspan) markBitsForIndex(objIndex uintptr) markBits {}

func (s *mspan) markBitsForBase() markBits {}

// isMarked reports whether mark bit m is set.
func (m markBits) isMarked() bool {}

// setMarked sets the marked bit in the markbits, atomically.
func (m markBits) setMarked() {}

// setMarkedNonAtomic sets the marked bit in the markbits, non-atomically.
func (m markBits) setMarkedNonAtomic() {}

// clearMarked clears the marked bit in the markbits, atomically.
func (m markBits) clearMarked() {}

// markBitsForSpan returns the markBits for the span base address base.
func markBitsForSpan(base uintptr) (mbits markBits) {}

// advance advances the markBits to the next object in the span.
func (m *markBits) advance() {}

const clobberdeadPtr

// badPointer throws bad pointer in heap panic.
func badPointer(s *mspan, p, refBase, refOff uintptr) {}

// findObject returns the base address for the heap object containing
// the address p, the object's span, and the index of the object in s.
// If p does not point into a heap object, it returns base == 0.
// If p points is an invalid heap pointer and debug.invalidptr != 0,
// findObject panics.
// refBase and refOff optionally give the base address of the object
// in which the pointer p was found and the byte offset at which it
// was found. These are used for error reporting.
// It is nosplit so it is safe for p to be a pointer to the current goroutine's stack.
// Since p is a uintptr, it would not be adjusted if the stack were to move.
// findObject should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/bytedance/sonic
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname findObject
func findObject(p, refBase, refOff uintptr) (base uintptr, s *mspan, objIndex uintptr) {}

// reflect_verifyNotInHeapPtr reports whether converting the not-in-heap pointer into a unsafe.Pointer is ok.
//go:linkname reflect_verifyNotInHeapPtr reflect.verifyNotInHeapPtr
func reflect_verifyNotInHeapPtr(p uintptr) bool {}

const ptrBits

// bulkBarrierBitmap executes write barriers for copying from [src,
// src+size) to [dst, dst+size) using a 1-bit pointer bitmap. src is
// assumed to start maskOffset bytes into the data covered by the
// bitmap in bits (which may not be a multiple of 8).
// This is used by bulkBarrierPreWrite for writes to data and BSS.
func bulkBarrierBitmap(dst, src, size, maskOffset uintptr, bits *uint8) {}

// typeBitsBulkBarrier executes a write barrier for every
// pointer that would be copied from [src, src+size) to [dst,
// dst+size) by a memmove using the type bitmap to locate those
// pointer slots.
// The type typ must correspond exactly to [src, src+size) and [dst, dst+size).
// dst, src, and size must be pointer-aligned.
// The type typ must have a plain bitmap, not a GC program.
// The only use of this function is in channel sends, and the
// 64 kB channel element limit takes care of this for us.
// Must not be preempted because it typically runs right before memmove,
// and the GC must observe them as an atomic action.
// Callers must perform cgo checks if goexperiment.CgoCheck2.
func typeBitsBulkBarrier(typ *_type, dst, src, size uintptr) {}

// countAlloc returns the number of objects allocated in span s by
// scanning the mark bitmap.
func (s *mspan) countAlloc() int {}

// Read the bytes starting at the aligned pointer p into a uintptr.
// Read is little-endian.
func readUintptr(p *byte) uintptr {}

var debugPtrmask

// progToPointerMask returns the 1-bit pointer mask output by the GC program prog.
// size the size of the region described by prog, in bytes.
// The resulting bitvector will have no more than size/goarch.PtrSize bits.
func progToPointerMask(prog *byte, size uintptr) bitvector {}

// runGCProg returns the number of 1-bit entries written to memory.
func runGCProg(prog, dst *byte) uintptr {}

// materializeGCProg allocates space for the (1-bit) pointer bitmask
// for an object of size ptrdata.  Then it fills that space with the
// pointer bitmask specified by the program prog.
// The bitmask starts at s.startAddr.
// The result must be deallocated with dematerializeGCProg.
func materializeGCProg(ptrdata uintptr, prog *byte) *mspan {}

func dematerializeGCProg(s *mspan) {}

func dumpGCProg(p *byte) {}

// reflect_gcbits returns the GC type info for x, for testing.
// The result is the bitmap entries (0 or 1), one entry per byte.
//go:linkname reflect_gcbits reflect.gcbits
func reflect_gcbits(x any) []byte {}

// Returns GC type info for the pointer stored in ep for testing.
// If ep points to the stack, only static live information will be returned
// (i.e. not for objects which are only dynamically live stack objects).
func getgcmask(ep any) (mask []byte) {}