
const _DebugGC

const _FinBlockSize

const concurrentSweep

const debugScanConservative

const sweepMinHeapDistance

// heapObjectsCanMove always returns false in the current garbage collector.
// It exists for go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc, which is an
// unfortunate idea that had an even more unfortunate implementation.
// Every time a new Go release happened, the package stopped building,
// and the authors had to add a new file with a new //go:build line, and
// then the entire ecosystem of packages with that as a dependency had to
// explicitly update to the new version. Many packages depend on
// assume-no-moving-gc transitively, through paths like
// inet.af/netaddr -> go4.org/intern -> assume-no-moving-gc.
// This was causing a significant amount of friction around each new
// release, so we added this bool for the package to //go:linkname
// instead. The bool is still unfortunate, but it's not as bad as
// breaking the ecosystem on every new release.
// If the Go garbage collector ever does move heap objects, we can set
// this to true to break all the programs using assume-no-moving-gc.
//go:linkname heapObjectsCanMove
func heapObjectsCanMove() bool {}

func gcinit() {}

// gcenable is called after the bulk of the runtime initialization,
// just before we're about to start letting user code run.
// It kicks off the background sweeper goroutine, the background
// scavenger goroutine, and enables GC.
func gcenable() {}

var gcphase

var writeBarrier

var gcBlackenEnabled

const _GCoff

const _GCmark

const _GCmarktermination

func setGCPhase(x uint32) {}

type gcMarkWorkerMode

const gcMarkWorkerNotWorker

const gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode

const gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode

const gcMarkWorkerIdleMode

var gcMarkWorkerModeStrings

// pollFractionalWorkerExit reports whether a fractional mark worker
// should self-preempt. It assumes it is called from the fractional
// worker.
func pollFractionalWorkerExit() bool {}

var work

type workType

// GC runs a garbage collection and blocks the caller until the
// garbage collection is complete. It may also block the entire
// program.
func GC() {}

// gcWaitOnMark blocks until GC finishes the Nth mark phase. If GC has
// already completed this mark phase, it returns immediately.
func gcWaitOnMark(n uint32) {}

type gcMode

const gcBackgroundMode

const gcForceMode

const gcForceBlockMode

type gcTrigger

type gcTriggerKind

const gcTriggerHeap

const gcTriggerTime

const gcTriggerCycle

// test reports whether the trigger condition is satisfied, meaning
// that the exit condition for the _GCoff phase has been met. The exit
// condition should be tested when allocating.
func (t gcTrigger) test() bool {}

// gcStart starts the GC. It transitions from _GCoff to _GCmark (if
// debug.gcstoptheworld == 0) or performs all of GC (if
// debug.gcstoptheworld != 0).
// This may return without performing this transition in some cases,
// such as when called on a system stack or with locks held.
func gcStart(trigger gcTrigger) {}

var gcMarkDoneFlushed

// gcMarkDone transitions the GC from mark to mark termination if all
// reachable objects have been marked (that is, there are no grey
// objects and can be no more in the future). Otherwise, it flushes
// all local work to the global queues where it can be discovered by
// other workers.
// This should be called when all local mark work has been drained and
// there are no remaining workers. Specifically, when
//	work.nwait == work.nproc && !gcMarkWorkAvailable(p)
// The calling context must be preemptible.
// Flushing local work is important because idle Ps may have local
// work queued. This is the only way to make that work visible and
// drive GC to completion.
// It is explicitly okay to have write barriers in this function. If
// it does transition to mark termination, then all reachable objects
// have been marked, so the write barrier cannot shade any more
// objects.
func gcMarkDone() {}

// World must be stopped and mark assists and background workers must be
// disabled.
func gcMarkTermination(stw worldStop) {}

// gcBgMarkStartWorkers prepares background mark worker goroutines. These
// goroutines will not run until the mark phase, but they must be started while
// the work is not stopped and from a regular G stack. The caller must hold
// worldsema.
func gcBgMarkStartWorkers() {}

// gcBgMarkPrepare sets up state for background marking.
// Mutator assists must not yet be enabled.
func gcBgMarkPrepare() {}

type gcBgMarkWorkerNode

func gcBgMarkWorker(ready chan struct{}

// gcMarkWorkAvailable reports whether executing a mark worker
// on p is potentially useful. p may be nil, in which case it only
// checks the global sources of work.
func gcMarkWorkAvailable(p *p) bool {}

// gcMark runs the mark (or, for concurrent GC, mark termination)
// All gcWork caches must be empty.
// STW is in effect at this point.
func gcMark(startTime int64) {}

// gcSweep must be called on the system stack because it acquires the heap
// lock. See mheap for details.
// Returns true if the heap was fully swept by this function.
// The world must be stopped.
func gcSweep(mode gcMode) bool {}

// gcResetMarkState resets global state prior to marking (concurrent
// or STW) and resets the stack scan state of all Gs.
// This is safe to do without the world stopped because any Gs created
// during or after this will start out in the reset state.
// gcResetMarkState must be called on the system stack because it acquires
// the heap lock. See mheap for details.
func gcResetMarkState() {}

var poolcleanup

var boringCaches

var uniqueMapCleanup

// sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/bytedance/gopkg
//   - github.com/songzhibin97/gkit
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup sync.runtime_registerPoolCleanup
func sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup(f func()) {}

//go:linkname boring_registerCache crypto/internal/boring/bcache.registerCache
func boring_registerCache(p unsafe.Pointer) {}

//go:linkname unique_runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup unique.runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup
func unique_runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup(f func()) {}

func clearpools() {}

// itoaDiv formats val/(10**dec) into buf.
func itoaDiv(buf []byte, val uint64, dec int) []byte {}

// fmtNSAsMS nicely formats ns nanoseconds as milliseconds.
func fmtNSAsMS(buf []byte, ns uint64) []byte {}

// gcTestMoveStackOnNextCall causes the stack to be moved on a call
// immediately following the call to this. It may not work correctly
// if any other work appears after this call (such as returning).
// Typically the following call should be marked go:noinline so it
// performs a stack check.
// In rare cases this may not cause the stack to move, specifically if
// there's a preemption between this call and the next.
func gcTestMoveStackOnNextCall() {}

// gcTestIsReachable performs a GC and returns a bit set where bit i
// is set if ptrs[i] is reachable.
func gcTestIsReachable(ptrs ...unsafe.Pointer) (mask uint64) {}

// gcTestPointerClass returns the category of what p points to, one of:
// "heap", "stack", "data", "bss", "other". This is useful for checking
// that a test is doing what it's intended to do.
// This is nosplit simply to avoid extra pointer shuffling that may
// complicate a test.
func gcTestPointerClass(p unsafe.Pointer) string {}