
const fixedRootFinalizers

const fixedRootFreeGStacks

const fixedRootCount

const rootBlockBytes

const maxObletBytes

const drainCheckThreshold

const pagesPerSpanRoot

// gcMarkRootPrepare queues root scanning jobs (stacks, globals, and
// some miscellany) and initializes scanning-related state.
// The world must be stopped.
func gcMarkRootPrepare() {}

// gcMarkRootCheck checks that all roots have been scanned. It is
// purely for debugging.
func gcMarkRootCheck() {}

var oneptrmask

// markroot scans the i'th root.
// Preemption must be disabled (because this uses a gcWork).
// Returns the amount of GC work credit produced by the operation.
// If flushBgCredit is true, then that credit is also flushed
// to the background credit pool.
// nowritebarrier is only advisory here.
func markroot(gcw *gcWork, i uint32, flushBgCredit bool) int64 {}

// markrootBlock scans the shard'th shard of the block of memory [b0,
// b0+n0), with the given pointer mask.
// Returns the amount of work done.
func markrootBlock(b0, n0 uintptr, ptrmask0 *uint8, gcw *gcWork, shard int) int64 {}

// markrootFreeGStacks frees stacks of dead Gs.
// This does not free stacks of dead Gs cached on Ps, but having a few
// cached stacks around isn't a problem.
func markrootFreeGStacks() {}

// markrootSpans marks roots for one shard of markArenas.
func markrootSpans(gcw *gcWork, shard int) {}

// gcAssistAlloc performs GC work to make gp's assist debt positive.
// gp must be the calling user goroutine.
// This must be called with preemption enabled.
func gcAssistAlloc(gp *g) {}

// gcAssistAlloc1 is the part of gcAssistAlloc that runs on the system
// stack. This is a separate function to make it easier to see that
// we're not capturing anything from the user stack, since the user
// stack may move while we're in this function.
// gcAssistAlloc1 indicates whether this assist completed the mark
// phase by setting gp.param to non-nil. This can't be communicated on
// the stack since it may move.
func gcAssistAlloc1(gp *g, scanWork int64) {}

// gcWakeAllAssists wakes all currently blocked assists. This is used
// at the end of a GC cycle. gcBlackenEnabled must be false to prevent
// new assists from going to sleep after this point.
func gcWakeAllAssists() {}

// gcParkAssist puts the current goroutine on the assist queue and parks.
// gcParkAssist reports whether the assist is now satisfied. If it
// returns false, the caller must retry the assist.
func gcParkAssist() bool {}

// gcFlushBgCredit flushes scanWork units of background scan work
// credit. This first satisfies blocked assists on the
// work.assistQueue and then flushes any remaining credit to
// gcController.bgScanCredit.
// Write barriers are disallowed because this is used by gcDrain after
// it has ensured that all work is drained and this must preserve that
// condition.
func gcFlushBgCredit(scanWork int64) {}

// scanstack scans gp's stack, greying all pointers found on the stack.
// Returns the amount of scan work performed, but doesn't update
// gcController.stackScanWork or flush any credit. Any background credit produced
// by this function should be flushed by its caller. scanstack itself can't
// safely flush because it may result in trying to wake up a goroutine that
// was just scanned, resulting in a self-deadlock.
// scanstack will also shrink the stack if it is safe to do so. If it
// is not, it schedules a stack shrink for the next synchronous safe
// point.
// scanstack is marked go:systemstack because it must not be preempted
// while using a workbuf.
func scanstack(gp *g, gcw *gcWork) int64 {}

// Scan a stack frame: local variables and function arguments/results.
func scanframeworker(frame *stkframe, state *stackScanState, gcw *gcWork) {}

type gcDrainFlags

const gcDrainUntilPreempt

const gcDrainFlushBgCredit

const gcDrainIdle

const gcDrainFractional

// gcDrainMarkWorkerIdle is a wrapper for gcDrain that exists to better account
// mark time in profiles.
func gcDrainMarkWorkerIdle(gcw *gcWork) {}

// gcDrainMarkWorkerDedicated is a wrapper for gcDrain that exists to better account
// mark time in profiles.
func gcDrainMarkWorkerDedicated(gcw *gcWork, untilPreempt bool) {}

// gcDrainMarkWorkerFractional is a wrapper for gcDrain that exists to better account
// mark time in profiles.
func gcDrainMarkWorkerFractional(gcw *gcWork) {}

// gcDrain scans roots and objects in work buffers, blackening grey
// objects until it is unable to get more work. It may return before
// GC is done; it's the caller's responsibility to balance work from
// other Ps.
// If flags&gcDrainUntilPreempt != 0, gcDrain returns when g.preempt
// is set.
// If flags&gcDrainIdle != 0, gcDrain returns when there is other work
// to do.
// If flags&gcDrainFractional != 0, gcDrain self-preempts when
// pollFractionalWorkerExit() returns true. This implies
// gcDrainNoBlock.
// If flags&gcDrainFlushBgCredit != 0, gcDrain flushes scan work
// credit to gcController.bgScanCredit every gcCreditSlack units of
// scan work.
// gcDrain will always return if there is a pending STW or forEachP.
// Disabling write barriers is necessary to ensure that after we've
// confirmed that we've drained gcw, that we don't accidentally end
// up flipping that condition by immediately adding work in the form
// of a write barrier buffer flush.
// Don't set nowritebarrierrec because it's safe for some callees to
// have write barriers enabled.
func gcDrain(gcw *gcWork, flags gcDrainFlags) {}

// gcDrainN blackens grey objects until it has performed roughly
// scanWork units of scan work or the G is preempted. This is
// best-effort, so it may perform less work if it fails to get a work
// buffer. Otherwise, it will perform at least n units of work, but
// may perform more because scanning is always done in whole object
// increments. It returns the amount of scan work performed.
// The caller goroutine must be in a preemptible state (e.g.,
// _Gwaiting) to prevent deadlocks during stack scanning. As a
// consequence, this must be called on the system stack.
func gcDrainN(gcw *gcWork, scanWork int64) int64 {}

// scanblock scans b as scanobject would, but using an explicit
// pointer bitmap instead of the heap bitmap.
// This is used to scan non-heap roots, so it does not update
// gcw.bytesMarked or gcw.heapScanWork.
// If stk != nil, possible stack pointers are also reported to stk.putPtr.
func scanblock(b0, n0 uintptr, ptrmask *uint8, gcw *gcWork, stk *stackScanState) {}

// scanobject scans the object starting at b, adding pointers to gcw.
// b must point to the beginning of a heap object or an oblet.
// scanobject consults the GC bitmap for the pointer mask and the
// spans for the size of the object.
func scanobject(b uintptr, gcw *gcWork) {}

// scanConservative scans block [b, b+n) conservatively, treating any
// pointer-like value in the block as a pointer.
// If ptrmask != nil, only words that are marked in ptrmask are
// considered as potential pointers.
// If state != nil, it's assumed that [b, b+n) is a block in the stack
// and may contain pointers to stack objects.
func scanConservative(b, n uintptr, ptrmask *uint8, gcw *gcWork, state *stackScanState) {}

// Shade the object if it isn't already.
// The object is not nil and known to be in the heap.
// Preemption must be disabled.
func shade(b uintptr) {}

// obj is the start of an object with mark mbits.
// If it isn't already marked, mark it and enqueue into gcw.
// base and off are for debugging only and could be removed.
// See also wbBufFlush1, which partially duplicates this logic.
func greyobject(obj, base, off uintptr, span *mspan, gcw *gcWork, objIndex uintptr) {}

// gcDumpObject dumps the contents of obj for debugging and marks the
// field at byte offset off in obj.
func gcDumpObject(label string, obj, off uintptr) {}

// gcmarknewobject marks a newly allocated object black. obj must
// not contain any non-nil pointers.
// This is nosplit so it can manipulate a gcWork without preemption.
func gcmarknewobject(span *mspan, obj uintptr) {}

// gcMarkTinyAllocs greys all active tiny alloc blocks.
// The world must be stopped.
func gcMarkTinyAllocs() {}