
const scavengePercent

const retainExtraPercent

const reduceExtraPercent

const maxPagesPerPhysPage

const scavengeCostRatio

const scavChunkHiOccFrac

const scavChunkHiOccPages

// heapRetained returns an estimate of the current heap RSS.
func heapRetained() uint64 {}

// gcPaceScavenger updates the scavenger's pacing, particularly
// its rate and RSS goal. For this, it requires the current heapGoal,
// and the heapGoal for the previous GC cycle.
// The RSS goal is based on the current heap goal with a small overhead
// to accommodate non-determinism in the allocator.
// The pacing is based on scavengePageRate, which applies to both regular and
// huge pages. See that constant for more information.
// Must be called whenever GC pacing is updated.
// mheap_.lock must be held or the world must be stopped.
func gcPaceScavenger(memoryLimit int64, heapGoal, lastHeapGoal uint64) {}

var scavenge

const startingScavSleepRatio

const minScavWorkTime

var scavenger

type scavengerState

// init initializes a scavenger state and wires to the current G.
// Must be called from a regular goroutine that can allocate.
func (s *scavengerState) init() {}

// park parks the scavenger goroutine.
func (s *scavengerState) park() {}

// ready signals to sysmon that the scavenger should be awoken.
func (s *scavengerState) ready() {}

// wake immediately unparks the scavenger if necessary.
// Safe to run without a P.
func (s *scavengerState) wake() {}

// sleep puts the scavenger to sleep based on the amount of time that it worked
// in nanoseconds.
// Note that this function should only be called by the scavenger.
// The scavenger may be woken up earlier by a pacing change, and it may not go
// to sleep at all if there's a pending pacing change.
func (s *scavengerState) sleep(worked float64) {}

// controllerFailed indicates that the scavenger's scheduling
// controller failed.
func (s *scavengerState) controllerFailed() {}

// run is the body of the main scavenging loop.
// Returns the number of bytes released and the estimated time spent
// releasing those bytes.
// Must be run on the scavenger goroutine.
func (s *scavengerState) run() (released uintptr, worked float64) {}

// Background scavenger.
// The background scavenger maintains the RSS of the application below
// the line described by the proportional scavenging statistics in
// the mheap struct.
func bgscavenge(c chan int) {}

// scavenge scavenges nbytes worth of free pages, starting with the
// highest address first. Successive calls continue from where it left
// off until the heap is exhausted. force makes all memory available to
// scavenge, ignoring huge page heuristics.
// Returns the amount of memory scavenged in bytes.
// scavenge always tries to scavenge nbytes worth of memory, and will
// only fail to do so if the heap is exhausted for now.
func (p *pageAlloc) scavenge(nbytes uintptr, shouldStop func() bool, force bool) uintptr {}

// printScavTrace prints a scavenge trace line to standard error.
// released should be the amount of memory released since the last time this
// was called, and forced indicates whether the scavenge was forced by the
// application.
// scavenger.lock must be held.
func printScavTrace(releasedBg, releasedEager uintptr, forced bool) {}

// scavengeOne walks over the chunk at chunk index ci and searches for
// a contiguous run of pages to scavenge. It will try to scavenge
// at most max bytes at once, but may scavenge more to avoid
// breaking huge pages. Once it scavenges some memory it returns
// how much it scavenged in bytes.
// searchIdx is the page index to start searching from in ci.
// Returns the number of bytes scavenged.
// Must run on the systemstack because it acquires p.mheapLock.
func (p *pageAlloc) scavengeOne(ci chunkIdx, searchIdx uint, max uintptr) uintptr {}

// fillAligned returns x but with all zeroes in m-aligned
// groups of m bits set to 1 if any bit in the group is non-zero.
// For example, fillAligned(0x0100a3, 8) == 0xff00ff.
// Note that if m == 1, this is a no-op.
// m must be a power of 2 <= maxPagesPerPhysPage.
func fillAligned(x uint64, m uint) uint64 {}

// findScavengeCandidate returns a start index and a size for this pallocData
// segment which represents a contiguous region of free and unscavenged memory.
// searchIdx indicates the page index within this chunk to start the search, but
// note that findScavengeCandidate searches backwards through the pallocData. As
// a result, it will return the highest scavenge candidate in address order.
// min indicates a hard minimum size and alignment for runs of pages. That is,
// findScavengeCandidate will not return a region smaller than min pages in size,
// or that is min pages or greater in size but not aligned to min. min must be
// a non-zero power of 2 <= maxPagesPerPhysPage.
// max is a hint for how big of a region is desired. If max >= pallocChunkPages, then
// findScavengeCandidate effectively returns entire free and unscavenged regions.
// If max < pallocChunkPages, it may truncate the returned region such that size is
// max. However, findScavengeCandidate may still return a larger region if, for
// example, it chooses to preserve huge pages, or if max is not aligned to min (it
// will round up). That is, even if max is small, the returned size is not guaranteed
// to be equal to max. max is allowed to be less than min, in which case it is as if
// max == min.
func (m *pallocData) findScavengeCandidate(searchIdx uint, minimum, max uintptr) (uint, uint) {}

type scavengeIndex

// init initializes the scavengeIndex.
// Returns the amount added to sysStat.
func (s *scavengeIndex) init(test bool, sysStat *sysMemStat) uintptr {}

// sysGrow updates the index's backing store in response to a heap growth.
// Returns the amount of memory added to sysStat.
func (s *scavengeIndex) grow(base, limit uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) uintptr {}

// find returns the highest chunk index that may contain pages available to scavenge.
// It also returns an offset to start searching in the highest chunk.
func (s *scavengeIndex) find(force bool) (chunkIdx, uint) {}

// alloc updates metadata for chunk at index ci with the fact that
// an allocation of npages occurred. It also eagerly attempts to collapse
// the chunk's memory into hugepage if the chunk has become sufficiently
// dense and we're not allocating the whole chunk at once (which suggests
// the allocation is part of a bigger one and it's probably not worth
// eagerly collapsing).
// alloc may only run concurrently with find.
func (s *scavengeIndex) alloc(ci chunkIdx, npages uint) {}

// free updates metadata for chunk at index ci with the fact that
// a free of npages occurred.
// free may only run concurrently with find.
func (s *scavengeIndex) free(ci chunkIdx, page, npages uint) {}

// nextGen moves the scavenger forward one generation. Must be called
// once per GC cycle, but may be called more often to force more memory
// to be released.
// nextGen may only run concurrently with find.
func (s *scavengeIndex) nextGen() {}

// setEmpty marks that the scavenger has finished looking at ci
// for now to prevent the scavenger from getting stuck looking
// at the same chunk.
// setEmpty may only run concurrently with find.
func (s *scavengeIndex) setEmpty(ci chunkIdx) {}

type atomicScavChunkData

// load loads and unpacks a scavChunkData.
func (sc *atomicScavChunkData) load() scavChunkData {}

// store packs and writes a new scavChunkData. store must be serialized
// with other calls to store.
func (sc *atomicScavChunkData) store(ssc scavChunkData) {}

type scavChunkData

// unpackScavChunkData unpacks a scavChunkData from a uint64.
func unpackScavChunkData(sc uint64) scavChunkData {}

// pack returns sc packed into a uint64.
func (sc scavChunkData) pack() uint64 {}

const scavChunkHasFree

const scavChunkMaxFlags

const scavChunkFlagsMask

const logScavChunkInUseMax

const scavChunkInUseMask

type scavChunkFlags

// isEmpty returns true if the hasFree flag is unset.
func (sc *scavChunkFlags) isEmpty() bool {}

// setEmpty clears the hasFree flag.
func (sc *scavChunkFlags) setEmpty() {}

// setNonEmpty sets the hasFree flag.
func (sc *scavChunkFlags) setNonEmpty() {}

// shouldScavenge returns true if the corresponding chunk should be interrogated
// by the scavenger.
func (sc scavChunkData) shouldScavenge(currGen uint32, force bool) bool {}

// alloc updates sc given that npages were allocated in the corresponding chunk.
func (sc *scavChunkData) alloc(npages uint, newGen uint32) {}

// free updates sc given that npages was freed in the corresponding chunk.
func (sc *scavChunkData) free(npages uint, newGen uint32) {}

type piController

// next provides a new sample to the controller.
// input is the sample, setpoint is the desired point, and period is how much
// time (in whatever unit makes the most sense) has passed since the last sample.
// Returns a new value for the variable it's controlling, and whether the operation
// completed successfully. One reason this might fail is if error has been growing
// in an unbounded manner, to the point of overflow.
// In the specific case of an error overflow occurs, the errOverflow field will be
// set and the rest of the controller's internal state will be fully reset.
func (c *piController) next(input, setpoint, period float64) (float64, bool) {}

// reset resets the controller state, except for controller error flags.
func (c *piController) reset() {}