
const minPhysPageSize

const maxPhysPageSize

const maxPhysHugePageSize

const pagesPerReclaimerChunk

const physPageAlignedStacks

type mheap

var mheap_

type heapArena

type arenaHint

type mSpanState

const mSpanDead

const mSpanInUse

const mSpanManual

var mSpanStateNames

type mSpanStateBox

func (b *mSpanStateBox) set(s mSpanState) {}

func (b *mSpanStateBox) get() mSpanState {}

type mSpanList

type mspan

func (s *mspan) base() uintptr {}

func (s *mspan) layout() (size, n, total uintptr) {}

// recordspan adds a newly allocated span to h.allspans.
// This only happens the first time a span is allocated from
// mheap.spanalloc (it is not called when a span is reused).
// Write barriers are disallowed here because it can be called from
// gcWork when allocating new workbufs. However, because it's an
// indirect call from the fixalloc initializer, the compiler can't see
// this.
// The heap lock must be held.
func recordspan(vh unsafe.Pointer, p unsafe.Pointer) {}

type spanClass

const numSpanClasses

const tinySpanClass

func makeSpanClass(sizeclass uint8, noscan bool) spanClass {}

func (sc spanClass) sizeclass() int8 {}

func (sc spanClass) noscan() bool {}

// arenaIndex returns the index into mheap_.arenas of the arena
// containing metadata for p. This index combines of an index into the
// L1 map and an index into the L2 map and should be used as
// mheap_.arenas[ai.l1()][ai.l2()].
// If p is outside the range of valid heap addresses, either l1() or
// l2() will be out of bounds.
// It is nosplit because it's called by spanOf and several other
// nosplit functions.
func arenaIndex(p uintptr) arenaIdx {}

// arenaBase returns the low address of the region covered by heap
// arena i.
func arenaBase(i arenaIdx) uintptr {}

type arenaIdx

// l1 returns the "l1" portion of an arenaIdx.
// Marked nosplit because it's called by spanOf and other nosplit
// functions.
func (i arenaIdx) l1() uint {}

// l2 returns the "l2" portion of an arenaIdx.
// Marked nosplit because it's called by spanOf and other nosplit funcs.
// functions.
func (i arenaIdx) l2() uint {}

// inheap reports whether b is a pointer into a (potentially dead) heap object.
// It returns false for pointers into mSpanManual spans.
// Non-preemptible because it is used by write barriers.
func inheap(b uintptr) bool {}

// inHeapOrStack is a variant of inheap that returns true for pointers
// into any allocated heap span.
func inHeapOrStack(b uintptr) bool {}

// spanOf returns the span of p. If p does not point into the heap
// arena or no span has ever contained p, spanOf returns nil.
// If p does not point to allocated memory, this may return a non-nil
// span that does *not* contain p. If this is a possibility, the
// caller should either call spanOfHeap or check the span bounds
// explicitly.
// Must be nosplit because it has callers that are nosplit.
func spanOf(p uintptr) *mspan {}

// spanOfUnchecked is equivalent to spanOf, but the caller must ensure
// that p points into an allocated heap arena.
// Must be nosplit because it has callers that are nosplit.
func spanOfUnchecked(p uintptr) *mspan {}

// spanOfHeap is like spanOf, but returns nil if p does not point to a
// heap object.
// Must be nosplit because it has callers that are nosplit.
func spanOfHeap(p uintptr) *mspan {}

// pageIndexOf returns the arena, page index, and page mask for pointer p.
// The caller must ensure p is in the heap.
func pageIndexOf(p uintptr) (arena *heapArena, pageIdx uintptr, pageMask uint8) {}

// Initialize the heap.
func (h *mheap) init() {}

// reclaim sweeps and reclaims at least npage pages into the heap.
// It is called before allocating npage pages to keep growth in check.
// reclaim implements the page-reclaimer half of the sweeper.
// h.lock must NOT be held.
func (h *mheap) reclaim(npage uintptr) {}

// reclaimChunk sweeps unmarked spans that start at page indexes [pageIdx, pageIdx+n).
// It returns the number of pages returned to the heap.
// h.lock must be held and the caller must be non-preemptible. Note: h.lock may be
// temporarily unlocked and re-locked in order to do sweeping or if tracing is
// enabled.
func (h *mheap) reclaimChunk(arenas []arenaIdx, pageIdx, n uintptr) uintptr {}

type spanAllocType

const spanAllocHeap

const spanAllocStack

const spanAllocPtrScalarBits

const spanAllocWorkBuf

// manual returns true if the span allocation is manually managed.
func (s spanAllocType) manual() bool {}

// alloc allocates a new span of npage pages from the GC'd heap.
// spanclass indicates the span's size class and scannability.
// Returns a span that has been fully initialized. span.needzero indicates
// whether the span has been zeroed. Note that it may not be.
func (h *mheap) alloc(npages uintptr, spanclass spanClass) *mspan {}

// allocManual allocates a manually-managed span of npage pages.
// allocManual returns nil if allocation fails.
// allocManual adds the bytes used to *stat, which should be a
// memstats in-use field. Unlike allocations in the GC'd heap, the
// allocation does *not* count toward heapInUse.
// The memory backing the returned span may not be zeroed if
// span.needzero is set.
// allocManual must be called on the system stack because it may
// acquire the heap lock via allocSpan. See mheap for details.
// If new code is written to call allocManual, do NOT use an
// existing spanAllocType value and instead declare a new one.
func (h *mheap) allocManual(npages uintptr, typ spanAllocType) *mspan {}

// setSpans modifies the span map so [spanOf(base), spanOf(base+npage*pageSize))
// is s.
func (h *mheap) setSpans(base, npage uintptr, s *mspan) {}

// allocNeedsZero checks if the region of address space [base, base+npage*pageSize),
// assumed to be allocated, needs to be zeroed, updating heap arena metadata for
// future allocations.
// This must be called each time pages are allocated from the heap, even if the page
// allocator can otherwise prove the memory it's allocating is already zero because
// they're fresh from the operating system. It updates heapArena metadata that is
// critical for future page allocations.
// There are no locking constraints on this method.
func (h *mheap) allocNeedsZero(base, npage uintptr) (needZero bool) {}

// tryAllocMSpan attempts to allocate an mspan object from
// the P-local cache, but may fail.
// h.lock need not be held.
// This caller must ensure that its P won't change underneath
// it during this function. Currently to ensure that we enforce
// that the function is run on the system stack, because that's
// the only place it is used now. In the future, this requirement
// may be relaxed if its use is necessary elsewhere.
func (h *mheap) tryAllocMSpan() *mspan {}

// allocMSpanLocked allocates an mspan object.
// h.lock must be held.
// allocMSpanLocked must be called on the system stack because
// its caller holds the heap lock. See mheap for details.
// Running on the system stack also ensures that we won't
// switch Ps during this function. See tryAllocMSpan for details.
func (h *mheap) allocMSpanLocked() *mspan {}

// freeMSpanLocked free an mspan object.
// h.lock must be held.
// freeMSpanLocked must be called on the system stack because
// its caller holds the heap lock. See mheap for details.
// Running on the system stack also ensures that we won't
// switch Ps during this function. See tryAllocMSpan for details.
func (h *mheap) freeMSpanLocked(s *mspan) {}

// allocSpan allocates an mspan which owns npages worth of memory.
// If typ.manual() == false, allocSpan allocates a heap span of class spanclass
// and updates heap accounting. If manual == true, allocSpan allocates a
// manually-managed span (spanclass is ignored), and the caller is
// responsible for any accounting related to its use of the span. Either
// way, allocSpan will atomically add the bytes in the newly allocated
// span to *sysStat.
// The returned span is fully initialized.
// h.lock must not be held.
// allocSpan must be called on the system stack both because it acquires
// the heap lock and because it must block GC transitions.
func (h *mheap) allocSpan(npages uintptr, typ spanAllocType, spanclass spanClass) (s *mspan) {}

// initSpan initializes a blank span s which will represent the range
// [base, base+npages*pageSize). typ is the type of span being allocated.
func (h *mheap) initSpan(s *mspan, typ spanAllocType, spanclass spanClass, base, npages uintptr) {}

// Try to add at least npage pages of memory to the heap,
// returning how much the heap grew by and whether it worked.
// h.lock must be held.
func (h *mheap) grow(npage uintptr) (uintptr, bool) {}

// Free the span back into the heap.
func (h *mheap) freeSpan(s *mspan) {}

// freeManual frees a manually-managed span returned by allocManual.
// typ must be the same as the spanAllocType passed to the allocManual that
// allocated s.
// This must only be called when gcphase == _GCoff. See mSpanState for
// an explanation.
// freeManual must be called on the system stack because it acquires
// the heap lock. See mheap for details.
func (h *mheap) freeManual(s *mspan, typ spanAllocType) {}

func (h *mheap) freeSpanLocked(s *mspan, typ spanAllocType) {}

// scavengeAll acquires the heap lock (blocking any additional
// manipulation of the page allocator) and iterates over the whole
// heap, scavenging every free page available.
// Must run on the system stack because it acquires the heap lock.
func (h *mheap) scavengeAll() {}

//go:linkname runtime_debug_freeOSMemory runtime/debug.freeOSMemory
func runtime_debug_freeOSMemory() {}

// Initialize a new span with the given start and npages.
func (span *mspan) init(base uintptr, npages uintptr) {}

func (span *mspan) inList() bool {}

// Initialize an empty doubly-linked list.
func (list *mSpanList) init() {}

func (list *mSpanList) remove(span *mspan) {}

func (list *mSpanList) isEmpty() bool {}

func (list *mSpanList) insert(span *mspan) {}

func (list *mSpanList) insertBack(span *mspan) {}

// takeAll removes all spans from other and inserts them at the front
// of list.
func (list *mSpanList) takeAll(other *mSpanList) {}

const _KindSpecialFinalizer

const _KindSpecialWeakHandle

const _KindSpecialProfile

const _KindSpecialReachable

const _KindSpecialPinCounter

type special

// spanHasSpecials marks a span as having specials in the arena bitmap.
func spanHasSpecials(s *mspan) {}

// spanHasNoSpecials marks a span as having no specials in the arena bitmap.
func spanHasNoSpecials(s *mspan) {}

// Adds the special record s to the list of special records for
// the object p. All fields of s should be filled in except for
// offset & next, which this routine will fill in.
// Returns true if the special was successfully added, false otherwise.
// (The add will fail only if a record with the same p and s->kind
// already exists.)
func addspecial(p unsafe.Pointer, s *special) bool {}

// Removes the Special record of the given kind for the object p.
// Returns the record if the record existed, nil otherwise.
// The caller must FixAlloc_Free the result.
func removespecial(p unsafe.Pointer, kind uint8) *special {}

// Find a splice point in the sorted list and check for an already existing
// record. Returns a pointer to the next-reference in the list predecessor.
// Returns true, if the referenced item is an exact match.
func (span *mspan) specialFindSplicePoint(offset uintptr, kind byte) (**special, bool) {}

type specialfinalizer

// Adds a finalizer to the object p. Returns true if it succeeded.
func addfinalizer(p unsafe.Pointer, f *funcval, nret uintptr, fint *_type, ot *ptrtype) bool {}

// Removes the finalizer (if any) from the object p.
func removefinalizer(p unsafe.Pointer) {}

type specialWeakHandle

//go:linkname internal_weak_runtime_registerWeakPointer internal/weak.runtime_registerWeakPointer
func internal_weak_runtime_registerWeakPointer(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {}

//go:linkname internal_weak_runtime_makeStrongFromWeak internal/weak.runtime_makeStrongFromWeak
func internal_weak_runtime_makeStrongFromWeak(u unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {}

// Retrieves or creates a weak pointer handle for the object p.
func getOrAddWeakHandle(p unsafe.Pointer) *atomic.Uintptr {}

func getWeakHandle(p unsafe.Pointer) *atomic.Uintptr {}

type specialprofile

// Set the heap profile bucket associated with addr to b.
func setprofilebucket(p unsafe.Pointer, b *bucket) {}

type specialReachable

type specialPinCounter

type specialsIter

func newSpecialsIter(span *mspan) specialsIter {}

func (i *specialsIter) valid() bool {}

func (i *specialsIter) next() {}

// unlinkAndNext removes the current special from the list and moves
// the iterator to the next special. It returns the unlinked special.
func (i *specialsIter) unlinkAndNext() *special {}

// freeSpecial performs any cleanup on special s and deallocates it.
// s must already be unlinked from the specials list.
func freeSpecial(s *special, p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {}

type gcBits

// bytep returns a pointer to the n'th byte of b.
func (b *gcBits) bytep(n uintptr) *uint8 {}

// bitp returns a pointer to the byte containing bit n and a mask for
// selecting that bit from *bytep.
func (b *gcBits) bitp(n uintptr) (bytep *uint8, mask uint8) {}

const gcBitsChunkBytes

const gcBitsHeaderBytes

type gcBitsHeader

type gcBitsArena

var gcBitsArenas

// tryAlloc allocates from b or returns nil if b does not have enough room.
// This is safe to call concurrently.
func (b *gcBitsArena) tryAlloc(bytes uintptr) *gcBits {}

// newMarkBits returns a pointer to 8 byte aligned bytes
// to be used for a span's mark bits.
func newMarkBits(nelems uintptr) *gcBits {}

// newAllocBits returns a pointer to 8 byte aligned bytes
// to be used for this span's alloc bits.
// newAllocBits is used to provide newly initialized spans
// allocation bits. For spans not being initialized the
// mark bits are repurposed as allocation bits when
// the span is swept.
func newAllocBits(nelems uintptr) *gcBits {}

// nextMarkBitArenaEpoch establishes a new epoch for the arenas
// holding the mark bits. The arenas are named relative to the
// current GC cycle which is demarcated by the call to finishweep_m.
// All current spans have been swept.
// During that sweep each span allocated room for its gcmarkBits in
// gcBitsArenas.next block. gcBitsArenas.next becomes the gcBitsArenas.current
// where the GC will mark objects and after each span is swept these bits
// will be used to allocate objects.
// gcBitsArenas.current becomes gcBitsArenas.previous where the span's
// gcAllocBits live until all the spans have been swept during this GC cycle.
// The span's sweep extinguishes all the references to gcBitsArenas.previous
// by pointing gcAllocBits into the gcBitsArenas.current.
// The gcBitsArenas.previous is released to the gcBitsArenas.free list.
func nextMarkBitArenaEpoch() {}

// newArenaMayUnlock allocates and zeroes a gcBits arena.
// The caller must hold gcBitsArena.lock. This may temporarily release it.
func newArenaMayUnlock() *gcBitsArena {}