
type spanSet

const spanSetBlockEntries

const spanSetInitSpineCap

type spanSetBlock

// push adds span s to buffer b. push is safe to call concurrently
// with other push and pop operations.
func (b *spanSet) push(s *mspan) {}

// pop removes and returns a span from buffer b, or nil if b is empty.
// pop is safe to call concurrently with other pop and push operations.
func (b *spanSet) pop() *mspan {}

// reset resets a spanSet which is empty. It will also clean up
// any left over blocks.
// Throws if the buf is not empty.
// reset may not be called concurrently with any other operations
// on the span set.
func (b *spanSet) reset() {}

type atomicSpanSetSpinePointer

// Loads the spanSetSpinePointer and returns it.
// It has the same semantics as atomic.UnsafePointer.
func (s *atomicSpanSetSpinePointer) Load() spanSetSpinePointer {}

// Stores the spanSetSpinePointer.
// It has the same semantics as [atomic.UnsafePointer].
func (s *atomicSpanSetSpinePointer) StoreNoWB(p spanSetSpinePointer) {}

type spanSetSpinePointer

// lookup returns &s[idx].
func (s spanSetSpinePointer) lookup(idx uintptr) *atomic.Pointer[spanSetBlock] {}

var spanSetBlockPool

type spanSetBlockAlloc

// alloc tries to grab a spanSetBlock out of the pool, and if it fails
// persistentallocs a new one and returns it.
func (p *spanSetBlockAlloc) alloc() *spanSetBlock {}

// free returns a spanSetBlock back to the pool.
func (p *spanSetBlockAlloc) free(block *spanSetBlock) {}

type headTailIndex

// makeHeadTailIndex creates a headTailIndex value from a separate
// head and tail.
func makeHeadTailIndex(head, tail uint32) headTailIndex {}

// head returns the head of a headTailIndex value.
func (h headTailIndex) head() uint32 {}

// tail returns the tail of a headTailIndex value.
func (h headTailIndex) tail() uint32 {}

// split splits the headTailIndex value into its parts.
func (h headTailIndex) split() (head uint32, tail uint32) {}

type atomicHeadTailIndex

// load atomically reads a headTailIndex value.
func (h *atomicHeadTailIndex) load() headTailIndex {}

// cas atomically compares-and-swaps a headTailIndex value.
func (h *atomicHeadTailIndex) cas(old, new headTailIndex) bool {}

// incHead atomically increments the head of a headTailIndex.
func (h *atomicHeadTailIndex) incHead() headTailIndex {}

// decHead atomically decrements the head of a headTailIndex.
func (h *atomicHeadTailIndex) decHead() headTailIndex {}

// incTail atomically increments the tail of a headTailIndex.
func (h *atomicHeadTailIndex) incTail() headTailIndex {}

// reset clears the headTailIndex to (0, 0).
func (h *atomicHeadTailIndex) reset() {}

type atomicMSpanPointer

// Load returns the *mspan.
func (p *atomicMSpanPointer) Load() *mspan {}

// Store stores an *mspan.
func (p *atomicMSpanPointer) StoreNoWB(s *mspan) {}