
type throwType

const throwTypeNone

const throwTypeUser

const throwTypeRuntime

// Check to make sure we can really generate a panic. If the panic
// was generated from the runtime, or from inside malloc, then convert
// to a throw of msg.
// pc should be the program counter of the compiler-generated code that
// triggered this panic.
func panicCheck1(pc uintptr, msg string) {}

// Same as above, but calling from the runtime is allowed.
// Using this function is necessary for any panic that may be
// generated by runtime.sigpanic, since those are always called by the
// runtime.
func panicCheck2(err string) {}

// failures in the comparisons for s[x], 0 <= x < y (y == len(s))
func goPanicIndex(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicIndexU(x uint, y int) {}

// failures in the comparisons for s[:x], 0 <= x <= y (y == len(s) or cap(s))
func goPanicSliceAlen(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSliceAlenU(x uint, y int) {}

func goPanicSliceAcap(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSliceAcapU(x uint, y int) {}

// failures in the comparisons for s[x:y], 0 <= x <= y
func goPanicSliceB(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSliceBU(x uint, y int) {}

// failures in the comparisons for s[::x], 0 <= x <= y (y == len(s) or cap(s))
func goPanicSlice3Alen(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSlice3AlenU(x uint, y int) {}

func goPanicSlice3Acap(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSlice3AcapU(x uint, y int) {}

// failures in the comparisons for s[:x:y], 0 <= x <= y
func goPanicSlice3B(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSlice3BU(x uint, y int) {}

// failures in the comparisons for s[x:y:], 0 <= x <= y
func goPanicSlice3C(x int, y int) {}

func goPanicSlice3CU(x uint, y int) {}

// failures in the conversion ([x]T)(s) or (*[x]T)(s), 0 <= x <= y, y == len(s)
func goPanicSliceConvert(x int, y int) {}

// Implemented in assembly, as they take arguments in registers.
// Declared here to mark them as ABIInternal.
func panicIndex(x int, y int)

func panicIndexU(x uint, y int)

func panicSliceAlen(x int, y int)

func panicSliceAlenU(x uint, y int)

func panicSliceAcap(x int, y int)

func panicSliceAcapU(x uint, y int)

func panicSliceB(x int, y int)

func panicSliceBU(x uint, y int)

func panicSlice3Alen(x int, y int)

func panicSlice3AlenU(x uint, y int)

func panicSlice3Acap(x int, y int)

func panicSlice3AcapU(x uint, y int)

func panicSlice3B(x int, y int)

func panicSlice3BU(x uint, y int)

func panicSlice3C(x int, y int)

func panicSlice3CU(x uint, y int)

func panicSliceConvert(x int, y int)

var shiftError

func panicshift() {}

var divideError

func panicdivide() {}

var overflowError

func panicoverflow() {}

var floatError

func panicfloat() {}

var memoryError

func panicmem() {}

func panicmemAddr(addr uintptr) {}

// Create a new deferred function fn, which has no arguments and results.
// The compiler turns a defer statement into a call to this.
func deferproc(fn func()) {}

var rangeDoneError

var rangePanicError

var rangeExhaustedError

var rangeMissingPanicError

func panicrangestate(state int) {}

// deferrangefunc is called by functions that are about to
// execute a range-over-function loop in which the loop body
// may execute a defer statement. That defer needs to add to
// the chain for the current function, not the func literal synthesized
// to represent the loop body. To do that, the original function
// calls deferrangefunc to obtain an opaque token representing
// the current frame, and then the loop body uses deferprocat
// instead of deferproc to add to that frame's defer lists.
// The token is an 'any' with underlying type *atomic.Pointer[_defer].
// It is the atomically-updated head of a linked list of _defer structs
// representing deferred calls. At the same time, we create a _defer
// struct on the main g._defer list with d.head set to this head pointer.
// The g._defer list is now a linked list of deferred calls,
// but an atomic list hanging off:
//		g._defer => d4 -> d3 -> drangefunc -> d2 -> d1 -> nil
//	                             | .head
//	                             |
//	                             +--> dY -> dX -> nil
// with each -> indicating a d.link pointer, and where drangefunc
// has the d.rangefunc = true bit set.
// Note that the function being ranged over may have added
// its own defers (d4 and d3), so drangefunc need not be at the
// top of the list when deferprocat is used. This is why we pass
// the atomic head explicitly.
// To keep misbehaving programs from crashing the runtime,
// deferprocat pushes new defers onto the .head list atomically.
// The fact that it is a separate list from the main goroutine
// defer list means that the main goroutine's defers can still
// be handled non-atomically.
// In the diagram, dY and dX are meant to be processed when
// drangefunc would be processed, which is to say the defer order
// should be d4, d3, dY, dX, d2, d1. To make that happen,
// when defer processing reaches a d with rangefunc=true,
// it calls deferconvert to atomically take the extras
// away from d.head and then adds them to the main list.
// That is, deferconvert changes this list:
//		g._defer => drangefunc -> d2 -> d1 -> nil
//	                 | .head
//	                 |
//	                 +--> dY -> dX -> nil
// into this list:
//	g._defer => dY -> dX -> d2 -> d1 -> nil
// It also poisons *drangefunc.head so that any future
// deferprocat using that head will throw.
// (The atomic head is ordinary garbage collected memory so that
// it's not a problem if user code holds onto it beyond
// the lifetime of drangefunc.)
// TODO: We could arrange for the compiler to call into the
// runtime after the loop finishes normally, to do an eager
// deferconvert, which would catch calling the loop body
// and having it defer after the loop is done. If we have a
// more general catch of loop body misuse, though, this
// might not be worth worrying about in addition.
// See also ../cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc/rewrite.go.
func deferrangefunc() any {}

// badDefer returns a fixed bad defer pointer for poisoning an atomic defer list head.
func badDefer() *_defer {}

// deferprocat is like deferproc but adds to the atomic list represented by frame.
// See the doc comment for deferrangefunc for details.
func deferprocat(fn func(), frame any) {}

// deferconvert converts the rangefunc defer list of d0 into an ordinary list
// following d0.
// See the doc comment for deferrangefunc for details.
func deferconvert(d0 *_defer) {}

// deferprocStack queues a new deferred function with a defer record on the stack.
// The defer record must have its fn field initialized.
// All other fields can contain junk.
// Nosplit because of the uninitialized pointer fields on the stack.
func deferprocStack(d *_defer) {}

// Allocate a Defer, usually using per-P pool.
// Each defer must be released with freedefer.  The defer is not
// added to any defer chain yet.
func newdefer() *_defer {}

// popDefer pops the head of gp's defer list and frees it.
func popDefer(gp *g) {}

// deferreturn runs deferred functions for the caller's frame.
// The compiler inserts a call to this at the end of any
// function which calls defer.
func deferreturn() {}

// Goexit terminates the goroutine that calls it. No other goroutine is affected.
// Goexit runs all deferred calls before terminating the goroutine. Because Goexit
// is not a panic, any recover calls in those deferred functions will return nil.
// Calling Goexit from the main goroutine terminates that goroutine
// without func main returning. Since func main has not returned,
// the program continues execution of other goroutines.
// If all other goroutines exit, the program crashes.
// It crashes if called from a thread not created by the Go runtime.
func Goexit() {}

// Call all Error and String methods before freezing the world.
// Used when crashing with panicking.
func preprintpanics(p *_panic) {}

// Print all currently active panics. Used when crashing.
// Should only be called after preprintpanics.
func printpanics(p *_panic) {}

// readvarintUnsafe reads the uint32 in varint format starting at fd, and returns the
// uint32 and a pointer to the byte following the varint.
// The implementation is the same with runtime.readvarint, except that this function
// uses unsafe.Pointer for speed.
func readvarintUnsafe(fd unsafe.Pointer) (uint32, unsafe.Pointer) {}

type PanicNilError

func (*PanicNilError) Error() string {}

func (*PanicNilError) RuntimeError() {}

var panicnil

// The implementation of the predeclared function panic.
// The compiler emits calls to this function.
// gopanic should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - go.undefinedlabs.com/scopeagent
//   - github.com/goplus/igop
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname gopanic
func gopanic(e any) {}

// start initializes a panic to start unwinding the stack.
// If p.goexit is true, then start may return multiple times.
func (p *_panic) start(pc uintptr, sp unsafe.Pointer) {}

// nextDefer returns the next deferred function to invoke, if any.
// Note: The "ok bool" result is necessary to correctly handle when
// the deferred function itself was nil (e.g., "defer (func())(nil)").
func (p *_panic) nextDefer() (func(), bool) {}

// nextFrame finds the next frame that contains deferred calls, if any.
func (p *_panic) nextFrame() (ok bool) {}

func (p *_panic) initOpenCodedDefers(fn funcInfo, varp unsafe.Pointer) bool {}

// The implementation of the predeclared function recover.
// Cannot split the stack because it needs to reliably
// find the stack segment of its caller.
// TODO(rsc): Once we commit to CopyStackAlways,
// this doesn't need to be nosplit.
func gorecover(argp uintptr) any {}

//go:linkname sync_throw sync.throw
func sync_throw(s string) {}

//go:linkname sync_fatal sync.fatal
func sync_fatal(s string) {}

//go:linkname rand_fatal crypto/rand.fatal
func rand_fatal(s string) {}

//go:linkname fips_fatal crypto/internal/fips.fatal
func fips_fatal(s string) {}

//go:linkname maps_fatal internal/runtime/maps.fatal
func maps_fatal(s string) {}

// throw triggers a fatal error that dumps a stack trace and exits.
// throw should be used for runtime-internal fatal errors where Go itself,
// rather than user code, may be at fault for the failure.
// NOTE: temporarily marked "go:noinline" pending investigation/fix of
// issue #67274, so as to fix longtest builders.
// throw should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/bytedance/sonic
//   - github.com/cockroachdb/pebble
//   - github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto
//   - github.com/outcaste-io/ristretto
//   - github.com/pingcap/br
//   - gvisor.dev/gvisor
//   - github.com/sagernet/gvisor
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname throw
func throw(s string) {}

// fatal triggers a fatal error that dumps a stack trace and exits.
// fatal is equivalent to throw, but is used when user code is expected to be
// at fault for the failure, such as racing map writes.
// fatal does not include runtime frames, system goroutines, or frame metadata
// (fp, sp, pc) in the stack trace unless GOTRACEBACK=system or higher.
func fatal(s string) {}

var runningPanicDefers

var panicking

var paniclk

// Unwind the stack after a deferred function calls recover
// after a panic. Then arrange to continue running as though
// the caller of the deferred function returned normally.
// However, if unwinding the stack would skip over a Goexit call, we
// return into the Goexit loop instead, so it can continue processing
// defers instead.
func recovery(gp *g) {}

// fatalthrow implements an unrecoverable runtime throw. It freezes the
// system, prints stack traces starting from its caller, and terminates the
// process.
func fatalthrow(t throwType) {}

// fatalpanic implements an unrecoverable panic. It is like fatalthrow, except
// that if msgs != nil, fatalpanic also prints panic messages and decrements
// runningPanicDefers once main is blocked from exiting.
func fatalpanic(msgs *_panic) {}

// startpanic_m prepares for an unrecoverable panic.
// It returns true if panic messages should be printed, or false if
// the runtime is in bad shape and should just print stacks.
// It must not have write barriers even though the write barrier
// explicitly ignores writes once dying > 0. Write barriers still
// assume that g.m.p != nil, and this function may not have P
// in some contexts (e.g. a panic in a signal handler for a signal
// sent to an M with no P).
func startpanic_m() bool {}

var didothers

var deadlock

// gp is the crashing g running on this M, but may be a user G, while getg() is
// always g0.
func dopanic_m(gp *g, pc, sp uintptr) bool {}

// canpanic returns false if a signal should throw instead of
// panicking.
func canpanic() bool {}

// shouldPushSigpanic reports whether pc should be used as sigpanic's
// return PC (pushing a frame for the call). Otherwise, it should be
// left alone so that LR is used as sigpanic's return PC, effectively
// replacing the top-most frame with sigpanic. This is used by
// preparePanic.
func shouldPushSigpanic(gp *g, pc, lr uintptr) bool {}

// isAbortPC reports whether pc is the program counter at which
// runtime.abort raises a signal.
// It is nosplit because it's part of the isgoexception
// implementation.
func isAbortPC(pc uintptr) bool {}