
type Profile

var profiles

var goroutineProfile

var threadcreateProfile

var heapProfile

var allocsProfile

var blockProfile

var mutexProfile

func lockProfiles() {}

func unlockProfiles() {}

// NewProfile creates a new profile with the given name.
// If a profile with that name already exists, NewProfile panics.
// The convention is to use a 'import/path.' prefix to create
// separate name spaces for each package.
// For compatibility with various tools that read pprof data,
// profile names should not contain spaces.
func NewProfile(name string) *Profile {}

// Lookup returns the profile with the given name, or nil if no such profile exists.
func Lookup(name string) *Profile {}

// Profiles returns a slice of all the known profiles, sorted by name.
func Profiles() []*Profile {}

// Name returns this profile's name, which can be passed to [Lookup] to reobtain the profile.
func (p *Profile) Name() string {}

// Count returns the number of execution stacks currently in the profile.
func (p *Profile) Count() int {}

// Add adds the current execution stack to the profile, associated with value.
// Add stores value in an internal map, so value must be suitable for use as
// a map key and will not be garbage collected until the corresponding
// call to [Profile.Remove]. Add panics if the profile already contains a stack for value.
// The skip parameter has the same meaning as [runtime.Caller]'s skip
// and controls where the stack trace begins. Passing skip=0 begins the
// trace in the function calling Add. For example, given this
// execution stack:
//	Add
//	called from rpc.NewClient
//	called from mypkg.Run
//	called from main.main
// Passing skip=0 begins the stack trace at the call to Add inside rpc.NewClient.
// Passing skip=1 begins the stack trace at the call to NewClient inside mypkg.Run.
func (p *Profile) Add(value any, skip int) {}

// Remove removes the execution stack associated with value from the profile.
// It is a no-op if the value is not in the profile.
func (p *Profile) Remove(value any) {}

// WriteTo writes a pprof-formatted snapshot of the profile to w.
// If a write to w returns an error, WriteTo returns that error.
// Otherwise, WriteTo returns nil.
// The debug parameter enables additional output.
// Passing debug=0 writes the gzip-compressed protocol buffer described
// in https://github.com/google/pprof/tree/main/proto#overview.
// Passing debug=1 writes the legacy text format with comments
// translating addresses to function names and line numbers, so that a
// programmer can read the profile without tools.
// The predefined profiles may assign meaning to other debug values;
// for example, when printing the "goroutine" profile, debug=2 means to
// print the goroutine stacks in the same form that a Go program uses
// when dying due to an unrecovered panic.
func (p *Profile) WriteTo(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

type stackProfile

func (x stackProfile) Len() int              {}

func (x stackProfile) Stack(i int) []uintptr {}

func (x stackProfile) Label(i int) *labelMap {}

type countProfile

// expandInlinedFrames copies the call stack from pcs into dst, expanding any
// PCs corresponding to inlined calls into the corresponding PCs for the inlined
// functions. Returns the number of frames copied to dst.
func expandInlinedFrames(dst, pcs []uintptr) int {}

// printCountCycleProfile outputs block profile records (for block or mutex profiles)
// as the pprof-proto format output. Translations from cycle count to time duration
// are done because The proto expects count and time (nanoseconds) instead of count
// and the number of cycles for block, contention profiles.
func printCountCycleProfile(w io.Writer, countName, cycleName string, records []profilerecord.BlockProfileRecord) error {}

// printCountProfile prints a countProfile at the specified debug level.
// The profile will be in compressed proto format unless debug is nonzero.
func printCountProfile(w io.Writer, debug int, name string, p countProfile) error {}

type keysByCount

func (x *keysByCount) Len() int      {}

func (x *keysByCount) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (x *keysByCount) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// printStackRecord prints the function + source line information
// for a single stack trace.
func printStackRecord(w io.Writer, stk []uintptr, allFrames bool) {}

// WriteHeapProfile is shorthand for [Lookup]("heap").WriteTo(w, 0).
// It is preserved for backwards compatibility.
func WriteHeapProfile(w io.Writer) error {}

// countHeap returns the number of records in the heap profile.
func countHeap() int {}

// writeHeap writes the current runtime heap profile to w.
func writeHeap(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

// writeAlloc writes the current runtime heap profile to w
// with the total allocation space as the default sample type.
func writeAlloc(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

func writeHeapInternal(w io.Writer, debug int, defaultSampleType string) error {}

// countThreadCreate returns the size of the current ThreadCreateProfile.
func countThreadCreate() int {}

// writeThreadCreate writes the current runtime ThreadCreateProfile to w.
func writeThreadCreate(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

// countGoroutine returns the number of goroutines.
func countGoroutine() int {}

// writeGoroutine writes the current runtime GoroutineProfile to w.
func writeGoroutine(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

func writeGoroutineStacks(w io.Writer) error {}

func writeRuntimeProfile(w io.Writer, debug int, name string, fetch func([]profilerecord.StackRecord, []unsafe.Pointer) (int, bool)) error {}

type runtimeProfile

func (p *runtimeProfile) Len() int              {}

func (p *runtimeProfile) Stack(i int) []uintptr {}

func (p *runtimeProfile) Label(i int) *labelMap {}

var cpu

// StartCPUProfile enables CPU profiling for the current process.
// While profiling, the profile will be buffered and written to w.
// StartCPUProfile returns an error if profiling is already enabled.
// On Unix-like systems, StartCPUProfile does not work by default for
// Go code built with -buildmode=c-archive or -buildmode=c-shared.
// StartCPUProfile relies on the SIGPROF signal, but that signal will
// be delivered to the main program's SIGPROF signal handler (if any)
// not to the one used by Go. To make it work, call [os/signal.Notify]
// for [syscall.SIGPROF], but note that doing so may break any profiling
// being done by the main program.
func StartCPUProfile(w io.Writer) error {}

// readProfile, provided by the runtime, returns the next chunk of
// binary CPU profiling stack trace data, blocking until data is available.
// If profiling is turned off and all the profile data accumulated while it was
// on has been returned, readProfile returns eof=true.
// The caller must save the returned data and tags before calling readProfile again.
func readProfile() (data []uint64, tags []unsafe.Pointer, eof bool)

func profileWriter(w io.Writer) {}

// StopCPUProfile stops the current CPU profile, if any.
// StopCPUProfile only returns after all the writes for the
// profile have completed.
func StopCPUProfile() {}

// countBlock returns the number of records in the blocking profile.
func countBlock() int {}

// countMutex returns the number of records in the mutex profile.
func countMutex() int {}

// writeBlock writes the current blocking profile to w.
func writeBlock(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

// writeMutex writes the current mutex profile to w.
func writeMutex(w io.Writer, debug int) error {}

// writeProfileInternal writes the current blocking or mutex profile depending on the passed parameters.
func writeProfileInternal(w io.Writer, debug int, name string, runtimeProfile func([]profilerecord.BlockProfileRecord) (int, bool)) error {}

//go:linkname pprof_goroutineProfileWithLabels runtime.pprof_goroutineProfileWithLabels
func pprof_goroutineProfileWithLabels(p []profilerecord.StackRecord, labels []unsafe.Pointer) (n int, ok bool)

//go:linkname pprof_cyclesPerSecond runtime/pprof.runtime_cyclesPerSecond
func pprof_cyclesPerSecond() int64

//go:linkname pprof_memProfileInternal runtime.pprof_memProfileInternal
func pprof_memProfileInternal(p []profilerecord.MemProfileRecord, inuseZero bool) (n int, ok bool)

//go:linkname pprof_blockProfileInternal runtime.pprof_blockProfileInternal
func pprof_blockProfileInternal(p []profilerecord.BlockProfileRecord) (n int, ok bool)

//go:linkname pprof_mutexProfileInternal runtime.pprof_mutexProfileInternal
func pprof_mutexProfileInternal(p []profilerecord.BlockProfileRecord) (n int, ok bool)

//go:linkname pprof_threadCreateInternal runtime.pprof_threadCreateInternal
func pprof_threadCreateInternal(p []profilerecord.StackRecord) (n int, ok bool)

//go:linkname pprof_fpunwindExpand runtime.pprof_fpunwindExpand
func pprof_fpunwindExpand(dst, src []uintptr) int

//go:linkname pprof_makeProfStack runtime.pprof_makeProfStack
func pprof_makeProfStack() []uintptr