
// writeHeapProto writes the current heap profile in protobuf format to w.
func writeHeapProto(w io.Writer, p []profilerecord.MemProfileRecord, rate int64, defaultSampleType string) error {}

// scaleHeapSample adjusts the data from a heap Sample to
// account for its probability of appearing in the collected
// data. heap profiles are a sampling of the memory allocations
// requests in a program. We estimate the unsampled value by dividing
// each collected sample by its probability of appearing in the
// profile. heap profiles rely on a poisson process to determine
// which samples to collect, based on the desired average collection
// rate R. The probability of a sample of size S to appear in that
// profile is 1-exp(-S/R).
func scaleHeapSample(count, size, rate int64) (int64, int64) {}