
type hex

func bytes(s string) (ret []byte) {}

var printBacklog

var printBacklogIndex

// recordForPanic maintains a circular buffer of messages written by the
// runtime leading up to a process crash, allowing the messages to be
// extracted from a core dump.
// The text written during a process crash (following "panic" or "fatal
// error") is not saved, since the goroutine stacks will generally be readable
// from the runtime data structures in the core file.
func recordForPanic(b []byte) {}

var debuglock

func printlock() {}

func printunlock() {}

// write to goroutine-local buffer if diverting output,
// or else standard error.
func gwrite(b []byte) {}

func printsp() {}

func printnl() {}

func printbool(v bool) {}

func printfloat(v float64) {}

func printcomplex(c complex128) {}

func printuint(v uint64) {}

func printint(v int64) {}

var minhexdigits

func printhex(v uint64) {}

func printpointer(p unsafe.Pointer) {}

func printuintptr(p uintptr) {}

func printstring(s string) {}

func printslice(s []byte) {}

func printeface(e eface) {}

func printiface(i iface) {}

// hexdumpWords prints a word-oriented hex dump of [p, end).
// If mark != nil, it will be called with each printed word's address
// and should return a character mark to appear just before that
// word's value. It can return 0 to indicate no mark.
func hexdumpWords(p, end uintptr, mark func(uintptr) byte) {}