
type profBuf

type profAtomic

type profIndex

const profReaderSleeping

const profWriteExtra

func (x *profAtomic) load() profIndex {}

func (x *profAtomic) store(new profIndex) {}

func (x *profAtomic) cas(old, new profIndex) bool {}

func (x profIndex) dataCount() uint32 {}

func (x profIndex) tagCount() uint32 {}

// countSub subtracts two counts obtained from profIndex.dataCount or profIndex.tagCount,
// assuming that they are no more than 2^29 apart (guaranteed since they are never more than
// len(data) or len(tags) apart, respectively).
// tagCount wraps at 2^30, while dataCount wraps at 2^32.
// This function works for both.
func countSub(x, y uint32) int {}

// addCountsAndClearFlags returns the packed form of "x + (data, tag) - all flags".
func (x profIndex) addCountsAndClearFlags(data, tag int) profIndex {}

// hasOverflow reports whether b has any overflow records pending.
func (b *profBuf) hasOverflow() bool {}

// takeOverflow consumes the pending overflow records, returning the overflow count
// and the time of the first overflow.
// When called by the reader, it is racing against incrementOverflow.
func (b *profBuf) takeOverflow() (count uint32, time uint64) {}

// incrementOverflow records a single overflow at time now.
// It is racing against a possible takeOverflow in the reader.
func (b *profBuf) incrementOverflow(now int64) {}

// newProfBuf returns a new profiling buffer with room for
// a header of hdrsize words and a buffer of at least bufwords words.
func newProfBuf(hdrsize, bufwords, tags int) *profBuf {}

// canWriteRecord reports whether the buffer has room
// for a single contiguous record with a stack of length nstk.
func (b *profBuf) canWriteRecord(nstk int) bool {}

// canWriteTwoRecords reports whether the buffer has room
// for two records with stack lengths nstk1, nstk2, in that order.
// Each record must be contiguous on its own, but the two
// records need not be contiguous (one can be at the end of the buffer
// and the other can wrap around and start at the beginning of the buffer).
func (b *profBuf) canWriteTwoRecords(nstk1, nstk2 int) bool {}

// write writes an entry to the profiling buffer b.
// The entry begins with a fixed hdr, which must have
// length b.hdrsize, followed by a variable-sized stack
// and a single tag pointer *tagPtr (or nil if tagPtr is nil).
// No write barriers allowed because this might be called from a signal handler.
func (b *profBuf) write(tagPtr *unsafe.Pointer, now int64, hdr []uint64, stk []uintptr) {}

// close signals that there will be no more writes on the buffer.
// Once all the data has been read from the buffer, reads will return eof=true.
func (b *profBuf) close() {}

// wakeupExtra must be called after setting one of the "extra"
// atomic fields b.overflow or b.eof.
// It records the change in b.w and wakes up the reader if needed.
func (b *profBuf) wakeupExtra() {}

type profBufReadMode

const profBufBlocking

const profBufNonBlocking

var overflowTag

func (b *profBuf) read(mode profBufReadMode) (data []uint64, tags []unsafe.Pointer, eof bool) {}