
var ticks

type ticksType

// init initializes ticks to maximize the chance that we have a good ticksPerSecond reference.
// Must not run concurrently with ticksPerSecond.
func (t *ticksType) init() {}

const minTimeForTicksPerSecond

// ticksPerSecond returns a conversion rate between the cputicks clock and the nanotime clock.
// Note: Clocks are hard. Using this as an actual conversion rate for timestamps is ill-advised
// and should be avoided when possible. Use only for durations, where a tiny error term isn't going
// to make a meaningful difference in even a 1ms duration. If an accurate timestamp is needed,
// use nanotime instead. (The entire Windows platform is a broad exception to this rule, where nanotime
// produces timestamps on such a coarse granularity that the error from this conversion is actually
// preferable.)
// The strategy for computing the conversion rate is to write down nanotime and cputicks as
// early in process startup as possible. From then, we just need to wait until we get values
// from nanotime that we can use (some platforms have a really coarse system time granularity).
// We require some amount of time to pass to ensure that the conversion rate is fairly accurate
// in aggregate. But because we compute this rate lazily, there's a pretty good chance a decent
// amount of time has passed by the time we get here.
// Must be called from a normal goroutine context (running regular goroutine with a P).
// Called by runtime/pprof in addition to runtime code.
// TODO(mknyszek): This doesn't account for things like CPU frequency scaling. Consider
// a more sophisticated and general approach in the future.
func ticksPerSecond() int64 {}

var envs

var argslice

//go:linkname syscall_runtime_envs syscall.runtime_envs
func syscall_runtime_envs() []string {}

//go:linkname syscall_Getpagesize syscall.Getpagesize
func syscall_Getpagesize() int {}

//go:linkname os_runtime_args os.runtime_args
func os_runtime_args() []string {}

//go:linkname syscall_Exit syscall.Exit
func syscall_Exit(code int) {}

var godebugDefault

var godebugUpdate

var godebugEnv

var godebugNewIncNonDefault

//go:linkname godebug_setUpdate internal/godebug.setUpdate
func godebug_setUpdate(update func(string, string)) {}

//go:linkname godebug_setNewIncNonDefault internal/godebug.setNewIncNonDefault
func godebug_setNewIncNonDefault(newIncNonDefault func(string) func()) {}

type godebugInc

func (g *godebugInc) IncNonDefault() {}

func godebugNotify(envChanged bool) {}

//go:linkname syscall_runtimeSetenv syscall.runtimeSetenv
func syscall_runtimeSetenv(key, value string) {}

//go:linkname syscall_runtimeUnsetenv syscall.runtimeUnsetenv
func syscall_runtimeUnsetenv(key string) {}

// writeErrStr writes a string to descriptor 2.
// If SetCrashOutput(f) was called, it also writes to f.
func writeErrStr(s string) {}

// writeErrData is the common parts of writeErr{,Str}.
func writeErrData(data *byte, n int32) {}

var crashFD

//go:linkname setCrashFD
func setCrashFD(fd uintptr) uintptr {}

var auxv

// golang.org/x/sys/cpu uses getAuxv via linkname.
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// (See go.dev/issue/57336.)
// getAuxv should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/cilium/ebpf
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname getAuxv
func getAuxv() []uintptr {}

var zeroVal