
const _Gidle

const _Grunnable

const _Grunning

const _Gsyscall

const _Gwaiting

const _Gmoribund_unused

const _Gdead

const _Genqueue_unused

const _Gcopystack

const _Gpreempted

const _Gscan

const _Gscanrunnable

const _Gscanrunning

const _Gscansyscall

const _Gscanwaiting

const _Gscanpreempted

const _Pidle

const _Prunning

const _Psyscall

const _Pgcstop

const _Pdead

type mutex

type funcval

type iface

type eface

func efaceOf(ep *any) *eface {}

type guintptr

func (gp guintptr) ptr() *g {}

func (gp *guintptr) set(g *g) {}

func (gp *guintptr) cas(old, new guintptr) bool {}

func (gp *g) guintptr() guintptr {}

// setGNoWB performs *gp = new without a write barrier.
// For times when it's impractical to use a guintptr.
func setGNoWB(gp **g, new *g) {}

type puintptr

func (pp puintptr) ptr() *p {}

func (pp *puintptr) set(p *p) {}

type muintptr

func (mp muintptr) ptr() *m {}

func (mp *muintptr) set(m *m) {}

// setMNoWB performs *mp = new without a write barrier.
// For times when it's impractical to use an muintptr.
func setMNoWB(mp **m, new *m) {}

type gobuf

type sudog

type libcall

type stack

type heldLockInfo

type g

const gTrackingPeriod

const tlsSlots

const tlsSize

const freeMStack

const freeMRef

const freeMWait

type m

type p

type schedt

const _SigNotify

const _SigKill

const _SigThrow

const _SigPanic

const _SigDefault

const _SigGoExit

const _SigSetStack

const _SigUnblock

const _SigIgn

type _func

type funcinl

type itab

type lfnode

type forcegcstate

type _defer

type _panic

type savedOpenDeferState

type ancestorInfo

type waitReason

const waitReasonZero

const waitReasonGCAssistMarking

const waitReasonIOWait

const waitReasonChanReceiveNilChan

const waitReasonChanSendNilChan

const waitReasonDumpingHeap

const waitReasonGarbageCollection

const waitReasonGarbageCollectionScan

const waitReasonPanicWait

const waitReasonSelect

const waitReasonSelectNoCases

const waitReasonGCAssistWait

const waitReasonGCSweepWait

const waitReasonGCScavengeWait

const waitReasonChanReceive

const waitReasonChanSend

const waitReasonFinalizerWait

const waitReasonForceGCIdle

const waitReasonSemacquire

const waitReasonSleep

const waitReasonSyncCondWait

const waitReasonSyncMutexLock

const waitReasonSyncRWMutexRLock

const waitReasonSyncRWMutexLock

const waitReasonTraceReaderBlocked

const waitReasonWaitForGCCycle

const waitReasonGCWorkerIdle

const waitReasonGCWorkerActive

const waitReasonPreempted

const waitReasonDebugCall

const waitReasonGCMarkTermination

const waitReasonStoppingTheWorld

const waitReasonFlushProcCaches

const waitReasonTraceGoroutineStatus

const waitReasonTraceProcStatus

const waitReasonPageTraceFlush

const waitReasonCoroutine

var waitReasonStrings

func (w waitReason) String() string {}

func (w waitReason) isMutexWait() bool {}

func (w waitReason) isWaitingForGC() bool {}

var isWaitingForGC

var allm

var gomaxprocs

var ncpu

var forcegc

var sched

var newprocs

var allpLock

var allp

var idlepMask

var timerpMask

var gcBgMarkWorkerPool

var gcBgMarkWorkerCount

var processorVersionInfo

var isIntel

var goarm

var goarmsoftfp

var islibrary

var isarchive

const framepointer_enabled

// getcallerfp returns the frame pointer of the caller of the caller
// of this function.
func getcallerfp() uintptr {}