
type semaRoot

var semtable

const semTabSize

type semTable

func (t *semTable) rootFor(addr *uint32) *semaRoot {}

// sync_runtime_Semacquire should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - gvisor.dev/gvisor
//   - github.com/sagernet/gvisor
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname sync_runtime_Semacquire sync.runtime_Semacquire
func sync_runtime_Semacquire(addr *uint32) {}

//go:linkname poll_runtime_Semacquire internal/poll.runtime_Semacquire
func poll_runtime_Semacquire(addr *uint32) {}

// sync_runtime_Semrelease should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - gvisor.dev/gvisor
//   - github.com/sagernet/gvisor
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname sync_runtime_Semrelease sync.runtime_Semrelease
func sync_runtime_Semrelease(addr *uint32, handoff bool, skipframes int) {}

//go:linkname sync_runtime_SemacquireMutex sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex
func sync_runtime_SemacquireMutex(addr *uint32, lifo bool, skipframes int) {}

//go:linkname sync_runtime_SemacquireRWMutexR sync.runtime_SemacquireRWMutexR
func sync_runtime_SemacquireRWMutexR(addr *uint32, lifo bool, skipframes int) {}

//go:linkname sync_runtime_SemacquireRWMutex sync.runtime_SemacquireRWMutex
func sync_runtime_SemacquireRWMutex(addr *uint32, lifo bool, skipframes int) {}

//go:linkname poll_runtime_Semrelease internal/poll.runtime_Semrelease
func poll_runtime_Semrelease(addr *uint32) {}

func readyWithTime(s *sudog, traceskip int) {}

type semaProfileFlags

const semaBlockProfile

const semaMutexProfile

// Called from runtime.
func semacquire(addr *uint32) {}

func semacquire1(addr *uint32, lifo bool, profile semaProfileFlags, skipframes int, reason waitReason) {}

func semrelease(addr *uint32) {}

func semrelease1(addr *uint32, handoff bool, skipframes int) {}

func cansemacquire(addr *uint32) bool {}

// queue adds s to the blocked goroutines in semaRoot.
func (root *semaRoot) queue(addr *uint32, s *sudog, lifo bool) {}

// dequeue searches for and finds the first goroutine
// in semaRoot blocked on addr.
// If the sudog was being profiled, dequeue returns the time
// at which it was woken up as now. Otherwise now is 0.
// If there are additional entries in the wait list, dequeue
// returns tailtime set to the last entry's acquiretime.
// Otherwise tailtime is found.acquiretime.
func (root *semaRoot) dequeue(addr *uint32) (found *sudog, now, tailtime int64) {}

// rotateLeft rotates the tree rooted at node x.
// turning (x a (y b c)) into (y (x a b) c).
func (root *semaRoot) rotateLeft(x *sudog) {}

// rotateRight rotates the tree rooted at node y.
// turning (y (x a b) c) into (x a (y b c)).
func (root *semaRoot) rotateRight(y *sudog) {}

type notifyList

// less checks if a < b, considering a & b running counts that may overflow the
// 32-bit range, and that their "unwrapped" difference is always less than 2^31.
func less(a, b uint32) bool {}

// notifyListAdd adds the caller to a notify list such that it can receive
// notifications. The caller must eventually call notifyListWait to wait for
// such a notification, passing the returned ticket number.
//go:linkname notifyListAdd sync.runtime_notifyListAdd
func notifyListAdd(l *notifyList) uint32 {}

// notifyListWait waits for a notification. If one has been sent since
// notifyListAdd was called, it returns immediately. Otherwise, it blocks.
//go:linkname notifyListWait sync.runtime_notifyListWait
func notifyListWait(l *notifyList, t uint32) {}

// notifyListNotifyAll notifies all entries in the list.
//go:linkname notifyListNotifyAll sync.runtime_notifyListNotifyAll
func notifyListNotifyAll(l *notifyList) {}

// notifyListNotifyOne notifies one entry in the list.
//go:linkname notifyListNotifyOne sync.runtime_notifyListNotifyOne
func notifyListNotifyOne(l *notifyList) {}

//go:linkname notifyListCheck sync.runtime_notifyListCheck
func notifyListCheck(sz uintptr) {}

//go:linkname sync_nanotime sync.runtime_nanotime
func sync_nanotime() int64 {}