
const usesLR

const tracebackInnerFrames

const tracebackOuterFrames

type unwindFlags

const unwindPrintErrors

const unwindSilentErrors

const unwindTrap

const unwindJumpStack

type unwinder

// init initializes u to start unwinding gp's stack and positions the
// iterator on gp's innermost frame. gp must not be the current G.
// A single unwinder can be reused for multiple unwinds.
func (u *unwinder) init(gp *g, flags unwindFlags) {}

func (u *unwinder) initAt(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, flags unwindFlags) {}

func (u *unwinder) valid() bool {}

// resolveInternal fills in u.frame based on u.frame.fn, pc, and sp.
// innermost indicates that this is the first resolve on this stack. If
// innermost is set, isSyscall indicates that the PC/SP was retrieved from
// gp.syscall*; this is otherwise ignored.
// On entry, u.frame contains:
//   - fn is the running function.
//   - pc is the PC in the running function.
//   - sp is the stack pointer at that program counter.
//   - For the innermost frame on LR machines, lr is the program counter that called fn.
// On return, u.frame contains:
//   - fp is the stack pointer of the caller.
//   - lr is the program counter that called fn.
//   - varp, argp, and continpc are populated for the current frame.
// If fn is a stack-jumping function, resolveInternal can change the entire
// frame state to follow that stack jump.
// This is internal to unwinder.
func (u *unwinder) resolveInternal(innermost, isSyscall bool) {}

func (u *unwinder) next() {}

// finishInternal is an unwinder-internal helper called after the stack has been
// exhausted. It sets the unwinder to an invalid state and checks that it
// successfully unwound the entire stack.
func (u *unwinder) finishInternal() {}

// symPC returns the PC that should be used for symbolizing the current frame.
// Specifically, this is the PC of the last instruction executed in this frame.
// If this frame did a normal call, then frame.pc is a return PC, so this will
// return frame.pc-1, which points into the CALL instruction. If the frame was
// interrupted by a signal (e.g., profiler, segv, etc) then frame.pc is for the
// trapped instruction, so this returns frame.pc. See issue #34123. Finally,
// frame.pc can be at function entry when the frame is initialized without
// actually running code, like in runtime.mstart, in which case this returns
// frame.pc because that's the best we can do.
func (u *unwinder) symPC() uintptr {}

// cgoCallers populates pcBuf with the cgo callers of the current frame using
// the registered cgo unwinder. It returns the number of PCs written to pcBuf.
// If the current frame is not a cgo frame or if there's no registered cgo
// unwinder, it returns 0.
func (u *unwinder) cgoCallers(pcBuf []uintptr) int {}

// tracebackPCs populates pcBuf with the return addresses for each frame from u
// and returns the number of PCs written to pcBuf. The returned PCs correspond
// to "logical frames" rather than "physical frames"; that is if A is inlined
// into B, this will still return a PCs for both A and B. This also includes PCs
// generated by the cgo unwinder, if one is registered.
// If skip != 0, this skips this many logical frames.
// Callers should set the unwindSilentErrors flag on u.
func tracebackPCs(u *unwinder, skip int, pcBuf []uintptr) int {}

// printArgs prints function arguments in traceback.
func printArgs(f funcInfo, argp unsafe.Pointer, pc uintptr) {}

// funcNamePiecesForPrint returns the function name for printing to the user.
// It returns three pieces so it doesn't need an allocation for string
// concatenation.
func funcNamePiecesForPrint(name string) (string, string, string) {}

// funcNameForPrint returns the function name for printing to the user.
func funcNameForPrint(name string) string {}

// printFuncName prints a function name. name is the function name in
// the binary's func data table.
func printFuncName(name string) {}

func printcreatedby(gp *g) {}

func printcreatedby1(f funcInfo, pc uintptr, goid uint64) {}

func traceback(pc, sp, lr uintptr, gp *g) {}

// tracebacktrap is like traceback but expects that the PC and SP were obtained
// from a trap, not from gp->sched or gp->syscallpc/gp->syscallsp or GetCallerPC/GetCallerSP.
// Because they are from a trap instead of from a saved pair,
// the initial PC must not be rewound to the previous instruction.
// (All the saved pairs record a PC that is a return address, so we
// rewind it into the CALL instruction.)
// If gp.m.libcall{g,pc,sp} information is available, it uses that information in preference to
// the pc/sp/lr passed in.
func tracebacktrap(pc, sp, lr uintptr, gp *g) {}

func traceback1(pc, sp, lr uintptr, gp *g, flags unwindFlags) {}

// traceback2 prints a stack trace starting at u. It skips the first "skip"
// logical frames, after which it prints at most "max" logical frames. It
// returns n, which is the number of logical frames skipped and printed, and
// lastN, which is the number of logical frames skipped or printed just in the
// physical frame that u references.
func traceback2(u *unwinder, showRuntime bool, skip, max int) (n, lastN int) {}

// printAncestorTraceback prints the traceback of the given ancestor.
// TODO: Unify this with gentraceback and CallersFrames.
func printAncestorTraceback(ancestor ancestorInfo) {}

// printAncestorTracebackFuncInfo prints the given function info at a given pc
// within an ancestor traceback. The precision of this info is reduced
// due to only have access to the pcs at the time of the caller
// goroutine being created.
func printAncestorTracebackFuncInfo(f funcInfo, pc uintptr) {}

// callers should be an internal detail,
// (and is almost identical to Callers),
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/phuslu/log
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname callers
func callers(skip int, pcbuf []uintptr) int {}

func gcallers(gp *g, skip int, pcbuf []uintptr) int {}

// showframe reports whether the frame with the given characteristics should
// be printed during a traceback.
func showframe(sf srcFunc, gp *g, firstFrame bool, calleeID abi.FuncID) bool {}

// showfuncinfo reports whether a function with the given characteristics should
// be printed during a traceback.
func showfuncinfo(sf srcFunc, firstFrame bool, calleeID abi.FuncID) bool {}

// isExportedRuntime reports whether name is an exported runtime function.
// It is only for runtime functions, so ASCII A-Z is fine.
func isExportedRuntime(name string) bool {}

// elideWrapperCalling reports whether a wrapper function that called
// function id should be elided from stack traces.
func elideWrapperCalling(id abi.FuncID) bool {}

var gStatusStrings

func goroutineheader(gp *g) {}

func tracebackothers(me *g) {}

// tracebackHexdump hexdumps part of stk around frame.sp and frame.fp
// for debugging purposes. If the address bad is included in the
// hexdumped range, it will mark it as well.
func tracebackHexdump(stk stack, frame *stkframe, bad uintptr) {}

// isSystemGoroutine reports whether the goroutine g must be omitted
// in stack dumps and deadlock detector. This is any goroutine that
// starts at a runtime.* entry point, except for runtime.main,
// runtime.handleAsyncEvent (wasm only) and sometimes runtime.runfinq.
// If fixed is true, any goroutine that can vary between user and
// system (that is, the finalizer goroutine) is considered a user
// goroutine.
func isSystemGoroutine(gp *g, fixed bool) bool {}

// SetCgoTraceback records three C functions to use to gather
// traceback information from C code and to convert that traceback
// information into symbolic information. These are used when printing
// stack traces for a program that uses cgo.
// The traceback and context functions may be called from a signal
// handler, and must therefore use only async-signal safe functions.
// The symbolizer function may be called while the program is
// crashing, and so must be cautious about using memory.  None of the
// functions may call back into Go.
// The context function will be called with a single argument, a
// pointer to a struct:
//	struct {
//		Context uintptr
//	}
// In C syntax, this struct will be
//	struct {
//		uintptr_t Context;
//	};
// If the Context field is 0, the context function is being called to
// record the current traceback context. It should record in the
// Context field whatever information is needed about the current
// point of execution to later produce a stack trace, probably the
// stack pointer and PC. In this case the context function will be
// called from C code.
// If the Context field is not 0, then it is a value returned by a
// previous call to the context function. This case is called when the
// context is no longer needed; that is, when the Go code is returning
// to its C code caller. This permits the context function to release
// any associated resources.
// While it would be correct for the context function to record a
// complete a stack trace whenever it is called, and simply copy that
// out in the traceback function, in a typical program the context
// function will be called many times without ever recording a
// traceback for that context. Recording a complete stack trace in a
// call to the context function is likely to be inefficient.
// The traceback function will be called with a single argument, a
// pointer to a struct:
//	struct {
//		Context    uintptr
//		SigContext uintptr
//		Buf        *uintptr
//		Max        uintptr
//	}
// In C syntax, this struct will be
//	struct {
//		uintptr_t  Context;
//		uintptr_t  SigContext;
//		uintptr_t* Buf;
//		uintptr_t  Max;
//	};
// The Context field will be zero to gather a traceback from the
// current program execution point. In this case, the traceback
// function will be called from C code.
// Otherwise Context will be a value previously returned by a call to
// the context function. The traceback function should gather a stack
// trace from that saved point in the program execution. The traceback
// function may be called from an execution thread other than the one
// that recorded the context, but only when the context is known to be
// valid and unchanging. The traceback function may also be called
// deeper in the call stack on the same thread that recorded the
// context. The traceback function may be called multiple times with
// the same Context value; it will usually be appropriate to cache the
// result, if possible, the first time this is called for a specific
// context value.
// If the traceback function is called from a signal handler on a Unix
// system, SigContext will be the signal context argument passed to
// the signal handler (a C ucontext_t* cast to uintptr_t). This may be
// used to start tracing at the point where the signal occurred. If
// the traceback function is not called from a signal handler,
// SigContext will be zero.
// Buf is where the traceback information should be stored. It should
// be PC values, such that Buf[0] is the PC of the caller, Buf[1] is
// the PC of that function's caller, and so on.  Max is the maximum
// number of entries to store.  The function should store a zero to
// indicate the top of the stack, or that the caller is on a different
// stack, presumably a Go stack.
// Unlike runtime.Callers, the PC values returned should, when passed
// to the symbolizer function, return the file/line of the call
// instruction.  No additional subtraction is required or appropriate.
// On all platforms, the traceback function is invoked when a call from
// Go to C to Go requests a stack trace. On linux/amd64, linux/ppc64le,
// linux/arm64, and freebsd/amd64, the traceback function is also invoked
// when a signal is received by a thread that is executing a cgo call.
// The traceback function should not make assumptions about when it is
// called, as future versions of Go may make additional calls.
// The symbolizer function will be called with a single argument, a
// pointer to a struct:
//	struct {
//		PC      uintptr // program counter to fetch information for
//		File    *byte   // file name (NUL terminated)
//		Lineno  uintptr // line number
//		Func    *byte   // function name (NUL terminated)
//		Entry   uintptr // function entry point
//		More    uintptr // set non-zero if more info for this PC
//		Data    uintptr // unused by runtime, available for function
//	}
// In C syntax, this struct will be
//	struct {
//		uintptr_t PC;
//		char*     File;
//		uintptr_t Lineno;
//		char*     Func;
//		uintptr_t Entry;
//		uintptr_t More;
//		uintptr_t Data;
//	};
// The PC field will be a value returned by a call to the traceback
// function.
// The first time the function is called for a particular traceback,
// all the fields except PC will be 0. The function should fill in the
// other fields if possible, setting them to 0/nil if the information
// is not available. The Data field may be used to store any useful
// information across calls. The More field should be set to non-zero
// if there is more information for this PC, zero otherwise. If More
// is set non-zero, the function will be called again with the same
// PC, and may return different information (this is intended for use
// with inlined functions). If More is zero, the function will be
// called with the next PC value in the traceback. When the traceback
// is complete, the function will be called once more with PC set to
// zero; this may be used to free any information. Each call will
// leave the fields of the struct set to the same values they had upon
// return, except for the PC field when the More field is zero. The
// function must not keep a copy of the struct pointer between calls.
// When calling SetCgoTraceback, the version argument is the version
// number of the structs that the functions expect to receive.
// Currently this must be zero.
// The symbolizer function may be nil, in which case the results of
// the traceback function will be displayed as numbers. If the
// traceback function is nil, the symbolizer function will never be
// called. The context function may be nil, in which case the
// traceback function will only be called with the context field set
// to zero.  If the context function is nil, then calls from Go to C
// to Go will not show a traceback for the C portion of the call stack.
// SetCgoTraceback should be called only once, ideally from an init function.
func SetCgoTraceback(version int, traceback, context, symbolizer unsafe.Pointer) {}

var cgoTraceback

var cgoContext

var cgoSymbolizer

type cgoTracebackArg

type cgoContextArg

type cgoSymbolizerArg

// printCgoTraceback prints a traceback of callers.
func printCgoTraceback(callers *cgoCallers) {}

// printOneCgoTraceback prints the traceback of a single cgo caller.
// This can print more than one line because of inlining.
// It returns the "stop" result of commitFrame.
func printOneCgoTraceback(pc uintptr, commitFrame func() (pr, stop bool), arg *cgoSymbolizerArg) bool {}

// callCgoSymbolizer calls the cgoSymbolizer function.
func callCgoSymbolizer(arg *cgoSymbolizerArg) {}

// cgoContextPCs gets the PC values from a cgo traceback.
func cgoContextPCs(ctxt uintptr, buf []uintptr) {}