
// All returns an iterator over index-value pairs in the slice
// in the usual order.
func All[Slice ~[]E, E any](s Slice) iter.Seq2[int, E] {}

// Backward returns an iterator over index-value pairs in the slice,
// traversing it backward with descending indices.
func Backward[Slice ~[]E, E any](s Slice) iter.Seq2[int, E] {}

// Values returns an iterator that yields the slice elements in order.
func Values[Slice ~[]E, E any](s Slice) iter.Seq[E] {}

// AppendSeq appends the values from seq to the slice and
// returns the extended slice.
func AppendSeq[Slice ~[]E, E any](s Slice, seq iter.Seq[E]) Slice {}

// Collect collects values from seq into a new slice and returns it.
func Collect[E any](seq iter.Seq[E]) []E {}

// Sorted collects values from seq into a new slice, sorts the slice,
// and returns it.
func Sorted[E cmp.Ordered](seq iter.Seq[E]) []E {}

// SortedFunc collects values from seq into a new slice, sorts the slice
// using the comparison function, and returns it.
func SortedFunc[E any](seq iter.Seq[E], cmp func(E, E) int) []E {}

// SortedStableFunc collects values from seq into a new slice.
// It then sorts the slice while keeping the original order of equal elements,
// using the comparison function to compare elements.
// It returns the new slice.
func SortedStableFunc[E any](seq iter.Seq[E], cmp func(E, E) int) []E {}

// Chunk returns an iterator over consecutive sub-slices of up to n elements of s.
// All but the last sub-slice will have size n.
// All sub-slices are clipped to have no capacity beyond the length.
// If s is empty, the sequence is empty: there is no empty slice in the sequence.
// Chunk panics if n is less than 1.
func Chunk[Slice ~[]E, E any](s Slice, n int) iter.Seq[Slice] {}