
// Verify that our IsPrint agrees with unicode.IsPrint.
func TestIsPrint(t *testing.T) {}

// Verify that our IsGraphic agrees with unicode.IsGraphic.
func TestIsGraphic(t *testing.T) {}

type quoteTest

var quotetests

func TestQuote(t *testing.T) {}

func TestQuoteToASCII(t *testing.T) {}

func TestQuoteToGraphic(t *testing.T) {}

func BenchmarkQuote(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkQuoteRune(b *testing.B) {}

var benchQuoteBuf

func BenchmarkAppendQuote(b *testing.B) {}

var benchQuoteRuneBuf

func BenchmarkAppendQuoteRune(b *testing.B) {}

type quoteRuneTest

var quoterunetests

func TestQuoteRune(t *testing.T) {}

func TestQuoteRuneToASCII(t *testing.T) {}

func TestQuoteRuneToGraphic(t *testing.T) {}

type canBackquoteTest

var canbackquotetests

func TestCanBackquote(t *testing.T) {}

type unQuoteTest

var unquotetests

var misquoted

func TestUnquote(t *testing.T) {}

// Issue 23685: invalid UTF-8 should not go through the fast path.
func TestUnquoteInvalidUTF8(t *testing.T) {}

func testUnquote(t *testing.T, in, want string, wantErr error) {}

func BenchmarkUnquoteEasy(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkUnquoteHard(b *testing.B) {}