
// OnceFunc returns a function that invokes f only once. The returned function
// may be called concurrently.
// If f panics, the returned function will panic with the same value on every call.
func OnceFunc(f func()) func() {}

// OnceValue returns a function that invokes f only once and returns the value
// returned by f. The returned function may be called concurrently.
// If f panics, the returned function will panic with the same value on every call.
func OnceValue[T any](f func() T) func() T {}

// OnceValues returns a function that invokes f only once and returns the values
// returned by f. The returned function may be called concurrently.
// If f panics, the returned function will panic with the same value on every call.
func OnceValues[T1, T2 any](f func() (T1, T2)) func() (T1, T2) {}