
// Round the length of a netlink message up to align it properly.
func nlmAlignOf(msglen int) int {}

// Round the length of a netlink route attribute up to align it
// properly.
func rtaAlignOf(attrlen int) int {}

type NetlinkRouteRequest

func (rr *NetlinkRouteRequest) toWireFormat() []byte {}

func newNetlinkRouteRequest(proto, seq, family int) []byte {}

var pageBufPool

// NetlinkRIB returns routing information base, as known as RIB, which
// consists of network facility information, states and parameters.
func NetlinkRIB(proto, family int) ([]byte, error) {}

type NetlinkMessage

// ParseNetlinkMessage parses b as an array of netlink messages and
// returns the slice containing the NetlinkMessage structures.
func ParseNetlinkMessage(b []byte) ([]NetlinkMessage, error) {}

func netlinkMessageHeaderAndData(b []byte) (*NlMsghdr, []byte, int, error) {}

type NetlinkRouteAttr

// ParseNetlinkRouteAttr parses m's payload as an array of netlink
// route attributes and returns the slice containing the
// NetlinkRouteAttr structures.
func ParseNetlinkRouteAttr(m *NetlinkMessage) ([]NetlinkRouteAttr, error) {}

func netlinkRouteAttrAndValue(b []byte) (*RtAttr, []byte, int, error) {}