
func initBenchmarkFlags() {}

var matchBenchmarks

var benchmarkMemory

var benchTime

type durationOrCountFlag

func (f *durationOrCountFlag) String() string {}

func (f *durationOrCountFlag) Set(s string) error {}

var benchmarkLock

var memStats

type InternalBenchmark

type B

// StartTimer starts timing a test. This function is called automatically
// before a benchmark starts, but it can also be used to resume timing after
// a call to [B.StopTimer].
func (b *B) StartTimer() {}

// StopTimer stops timing a test. This can be used to pause the timer
// while performing complex initialization that you don't
// want to measure.
func (b *B) StopTimer() {}

// ResetTimer zeroes the elapsed benchmark time and memory allocation counters
// and deletes user-reported metrics.
// It does not affect whether the timer is running.
func (b *B) ResetTimer() {}

// SetBytes records the number of bytes processed in a single operation.
// If this is called, the benchmark will report ns/op and MB/s.
func (b *B) SetBytes(n int64) {}

// ReportAllocs enables malloc statistics for this benchmark.
// It is equivalent to setting -test.benchmem, but it only affects the
// benchmark function that calls ReportAllocs.
func (b *B) ReportAllocs() {}

// runN runs a single benchmark for the specified number of iterations.
func (b *B) runN(n int) {}

// run1 runs the first iteration of benchFunc. It reports whether more
// iterations of this benchmarks should be run.
func (b *B) run1() bool {}

var labelsOnce

// run executes the benchmark in a separate goroutine, including all of its
// subbenchmarks. b must not have subbenchmarks.
func (b *B) run() {}

func (b *B) doBench() BenchmarkResult {}

// launch launches the benchmark function. It gradually increases the number
// of benchmark iterations until the benchmark runs for the requested benchtime.
// launch is run by the doBench function as a separate goroutine.
// run1 must have been called on b.
func (b *B) launch() {}

// Elapsed returns the measured elapsed time of the benchmark.
// The duration reported by Elapsed matches the one measured by
// [B.StartTimer], [B.StopTimer], and [B.ResetTimer].
func (b *B) Elapsed() time.Duration {}

// ReportMetric adds "n unit" to the reported benchmark results.
// If the metric is per-iteration, the caller should divide by b.N,
// and by convention units should end in "/op".
// ReportMetric overrides any previously reported value for the same unit.
// ReportMetric panics if unit is the empty string or if unit contains
// any whitespace.
// If unit is a unit normally reported by the benchmark framework itself
// (such as "allocs/op"), ReportMetric will override that metric.
// Setting "ns/op" to 0 will suppress that built-in metric.
func (b *B) ReportMetric(n float64, unit string) {}

// Loop returns true until b.N calls has been made to it.
// A benchmark should either use Loop or contain an explicit loop from 0 to b.N, but not both.
// After the benchmark finishes, b.N will contain the total number of calls to op, so the benchmark
// may use b.N to compute other average metrics.
func (b *B) Loop() bool {}

type BenchmarkResult

// NsPerOp returns the "ns/op" metric.
func (r BenchmarkResult) NsPerOp() int64 {}

// mbPerSec returns the "MB/s" metric.
func (r BenchmarkResult) mbPerSec() float64 {}

// AllocsPerOp returns the "allocs/op" metric,
// which is calculated as r.MemAllocs / r.N.
func (r BenchmarkResult) AllocsPerOp() int64 {}

// AllocedBytesPerOp returns the "B/op" metric,
// which is calculated as r.MemBytes / r.N.
func (r BenchmarkResult) AllocedBytesPerOp() int64 {}

// String returns a summary of the benchmark results.
// It follows the benchmark result line format from
// https://golang.org/design/14313-benchmark-format, not including the
// benchmark name.
// Extra metrics override built-in metrics of the same name.
// String does not include allocs/op or B/op, since those are reported
// by [BenchmarkResult.MemString].
func (r BenchmarkResult) String() string {}

func prettyPrint(w io.Writer, x float64, unit string) {}

// MemString returns r.AllocedBytesPerOp and r.AllocsPerOp in the same format as 'go test'.
func (r BenchmarkResult) MemString() string {}

// benchmarkName returns full name of benchmark including procs suffix.
func benchmarkName(name string, n int) string {}

type benchState

// RunBenchmarks is an internal function but exported because it is cross-package;
// it is part of the implementation of the "go test" command.
func RunBenchmarks(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []InternalBenchmark) {}

func runBenchmarks(importPath string, matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []InternalBenchmark) bool {}

// processBench runs bench b for the configured CPU counts and prints the results.
func (s *benchState) processBench(b *B) {}

var hideStdoutForTesting

// Run benchmarks f as a subbenchmark with the given name. It reports
// whether there were any failures.
// A subbenchmark is like any other benchmark. A benchmark that calls Run at
// least once will not be measured itself and will be called once with N=1.
func (b *B) Run(name string, f func(b *B)) bool {}

// add simulates running benchmarks in sequence in a single iteration. It is
// used to give some meaningful results in case func Benchmark is used in
// combination with Run.
func (b *B) add(other BenchmarkResult) {}

// trimOutput shortens the output from a benchmark, which can be very long.
func (b *B) trimOutput() {}

type PB

// Next reports whether there are more iterations to execute.
func (pb *PB) Next() bool {}

// RunParallel runs a benchmark in parallel.
// It creates multiple goroutines and distributes b.N iterations among them.
// The number of goroutines defaults to GOMAXPROCS. To increase parallelism for
// non-CPU-bound benchmarks, call [B.SetParallelism] before RunParallel.
// RunParallel is usually used with the go test -cpu flag.
// The body function will be run in each goroutine. It should set up any
// goroutine-local state and then iterate until pb.Next returns false.
// It should not use the [B.StartTimer], [B.StopTimer], or [B.ResetTimer] functions,
// because they have global effect. It should also not call [B.Run].
// RunParallel reports ns/op values as wall time for the benchmark as a whole,
// not the sum of wall time or CPU time over each parallel goroutine.
func (b *B) RunParallel(body func(*PB)) {}

// SetParallelism sets the number of goroutines used by [B.RunParallel] to p*GOMAXPROCS.
// There is usually no need to call SetParallelism for CPU-bound benchmarks.
// If p is less than 1, this call will have no effect.
func (b *B) SetParallelism(p int) {}

// Benchmark benchmarks a single function. It is useful for creating
// custom benchmarks that do not use the "go test" command.
// If f depends on testing flags, then [Init] must be used to register
// those flags before calling Benchmark and before calling [flag.Parse].
// If f calls Run, the result will be an estimate of running all its
// subbenchmarks that don't call Run in sequence in a single benchmark.
func Benchmark(f func(b *B)) BenchmarkResult {}

type discard

func (discard) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {}