
type CoverBlock

var cover

type Cover

// Coverage reports the current code coverage as a fraction in the range [0, 1].
// If coverage is not enabled, Coverage returns 0.
// When running a large set of sequential test cases, checking Coverage after each one
// can be useful for identifying which test cases exercise new code paths.
// It is not a replacement for the reports generated by 'go test -cover' and
// 'go tool cover'.
func Coverage() float64 {}

// RegisterCover records the coverage data accumulators for the tests.
// NOTE: This function is internal to the testing infrastructure and may change.
// It is not covered (yet) by the Go 1 compatibility guidelines.
func RegisterCover(c Cover) {}

// mustBeNil checks the error and, if present, reports it and exits.
func mustBeNil(err error) {}

// coverReport reports the coverage percentage and writes a coverage profile if requested.
func coverReport() {}