
func initFuzzFlags() {}

var matchFuzz

var fuzzDuration

var minimizeDuration

var fuzzCacheDir

var isFuzzWorker

var corpusDir

const fuzzWorkerExitCode

type InternalFuzzTarget

type F

var _

type corpusEntry

// Helper marks the calling function as a test helper function.
// When printing file and line information, that function will be skipped.
// Helper may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
func (f *F) Helper() {}

// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
func (f *F) Fail() {}

// Skipped reports whether the test was skipped.
func (f *F) Skipped() bool {}

// Add will add the arguments to the seed corpus for the fuzz test. This will be
// a no-op if called after or within the fuzz target, and args must match the
// arguments for the fuzz target.
func (f *F) Add(args ...any) {}

var supportedTypes

// Fuzz runs the fuzz function, ff, for fuzz testing. If ff fails for a set of
// arguments, those arguments will be added to the seed corpus.
// ff must be a function with no return value whose first argument is *T and
// whose remaining arguments are the types to be fuzzed.
// For example:
//	f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, b []byte, i int) { ... })
// The following types are allowed: []byte, string, bool, byte, rune, float32,
// float64, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64.
// More types may be supported in the future.
// ff must not call any *F methods, e.g. (*F).Log, (*F).Error, (*F).Skip. Use
// the corresponding *T method instead. The only *F methods that are allowed in
// the (*F).Fuzz function are (*F).Failed and (*F).Name.
// This function should be fast and deterministic, and its behavior should not
// depend on shared state. No mutable input arguments, or pointers to them,
// should be retained between executions of the fuzz function, as the memory
// backing them may be mutated during a subsequent invocation. ff must not
// modify the underlying data of the arguments provided by the fuzzing engine.
// When fuzzing, F.Fuzz does not return until a problem is found, time runs out
// (set with -fuzztime), or the test process is interrupted by a signal. F.Fuzz
// should be called exactly once, unless F.Skip or [F.Fail] is called beforehand.
func (f *F) Fuzz(ff any) {}

func (f *F) report() {}

type fuzzResult

func (r fuzzResult) String() string {}

type fuzzCrashError

type fuzzState

type fuzzMode

const seedCorpusOnly

const fuzzCoordinator

const fuzzWorker

// runFuzzTests runs the fuzz tests matching the pattern for -run. This will
// only run the (*F).Fuzz function for each seed corpus without using the
// fuzzing engine to generate or mutate inputs.
func runFuzzTests(deps testDeps, fuzzTests []InternalFuzzTarget, deadline time.Time) (ran, ok bool) {}

// runFuzzing runs the fuzz test matching the pattern for -fuzz. Only one such
// fuzz test must match. This will run the fuzzing engine to generate and
// mutate new inputs against the fuzz target.
// If fuzzing is disabled (-test.fuzz is not set), runFuzzing
// returns immediately.
func runFuzzing(deps testDeps, fuzzTests []InternalFuzzTarget) (ok bool) {}

// fRunner wraps a call to a fuzz test and ensures that cleanup functions are
// called and status flags are set. fRunner should be called in its own
// goroutine. To wait for its completion, receive from f.signal.
// fRunner is analogous to tRunner, which wraps subtests started with T.Run.
// Unit tests and fuzz tests work a little differently, so for now, these
// functions aren't consolidated. In particular, because there are no F.Run and
// F.Parallel methods, i.e., no fuzz sub-tests or parallel fuzz tests, a few
// simplifications are made. We also require that F.Fuzz, F.Skip, or F.Fail is
// called.
func fRunner(f *F, fn func(*F)) {}