
var initRan

// Init registers testing flags. These flags are automatically registered by
// the "go test" command before running test functions, so Init is only needed
// when calling functions such as Benchmark without using "go test".
// Init is not safe to call concurrently. It has no effect if it was already called.
func Init() {}

var short

var failFast

var outputDir

var chatty

var count

var coverProfile

var gocoverdir

var matchList

var match

var skip

var memProfile

var memProfileRate

var cpuProfile

var blockProfile

var blockProfileRate

var mutexProfile

var mutexProfileFraction

var panicOnExit0

var traceFile

var timeout

var cpuListStr

var parallel

var shuffle

var testlog

var fullPath

var haveExamples

var cpuList

var testlogFile

var numFailed

var running

type chattyFlag

func (*chattyFlag) IsBoolFlag() bool {}

func (f *chattyFlag) Set(arg string) error {}

func (f *chattyFlag) String() string {}

func (f *chattyFlag) Get() any {}

const marker

func (f *chattyFlag) prefix() string {}

type chattyPrinter

func newChattyPrinter(w io.Writer) *chattyPrinter {}

// prefix is like chatty.prefix but using p.json instead of chatty.json.
// Using p.json allows tests to check the json behavior without modifying
// the global variable. For convenience, we allow p == nil and treat
// that as not in json mode (because it's not chatty at all).
func (p *chattyPrinter) prefix() string {}

// Updatef prints a message about the status of the named test to w.
// The formatted message must include the test name itself.
func (p *chattyPrinter) Updatef(testName, format string, args ...any) {}

// Printf prints a message, generated by the named test, that does not
// necessarily mention that tests's name itself.
func (p *chattyPrinter) Printf(testName, format string, args ...any) {}

const maxStackLen

type common

// Short reports whether the -test.short flag is set.
func Short() bool {}

var testBinary

// Testing reports whether the current code is being run in a test.
// This will report true in programs created by "go test",
// false in programs created by "go build".
func Testing() bool {}

// CoverMode reports what the test coverage mode is set to. The
// values are "set", "count", or "atomic". The return value will be
// empty if test coverage is not enabled.
func CoverMode() string {}

// Verbose reports whether the -test.v flag is set.
func Verbose() bool {}

func (c *common) checkFuzzFn(name string) {}

// frameSkip searches, starting after skip frames, for the first caller frame
// in a function not marked as a helper and returns that frame.
// The search stops if it finds a tRunner function that
// was the entry point into the test and the test is not a subtest.
// This function must be called with c.mu held.
func (c *common) frameSkip(skip int) runtime.Frame {}

// decorate prefixes the string with the file and line of the call site
// and inserts the final newline if needed and indentation spaces for formatting.
// This function must be called with c.mu held.
func (c *common) decorate(s string, skip int) string {}

// flushToParent writes c.output to the parent after first writing the header
// with the given format and arguments.
func (c *common) flushToParent(testName, format string, args ...any) {}

type indenter

func (w indenter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// fmtDuration returns a string representing d in the form "87.00s".
func fmtDuration(d time.Duration) string {}

type TB

var _

var _

type T

func (c *common) private() {}

// Name returns the name of the running (sub-) test or benchmark.
// The name will include the name of the test along with the names of
// any nested sub-tests. If two sibling sub-tests have the same name,
// Name will append a suffix to guarantee the returned name is unique.
func (c *common) Name() string {}

func (c *common) setRan() {}

// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
func (c *common) Fail() {}

// Failed reports whether the function has failed.
func (c *common) Failed() bool {}

// FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its execution
// by calling runtime.Goexit (which then runs all deferred calls in the
// current goroutine).
// Execution will continue at the next test or benchmark.
// FailNow must be called from the goroutine running the
// test or benchmark function, not from other goroutines
// created during the test. Calling FailNow does not stop
// those other goroutines.
func (c *common) FailNow() {}

// log generates the output. It's always at the same stack depth.
func (c *common) log(s string) {}

// logDepth generates the output at an arbitrary stack depth.
func (c *common) logDepth(s string, depth int) {}

// Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous to Println,
// and records the text in the error log. For tests, the text will be printed only if
// the test fails or the -test.v flag is set. For benchmarks, the text is always
// printed to avoid having performance depend on the value of the -test.v flag.
func (c *common) Log(args ...any) {}

// Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous to Printf, and
// records the text in the error log. A final newline is added if not provided. For
// tests, the text will be printed only if the test fails or the -test.v flag is
// set. For benchmarks, the text is always printed to avoid having performance
// depend on the value of the -test.v flag.
func (c *common) Logf(format string, args ...any) {}

// Error is equivalent to Log followed by Fail.
func (c *common) Error(args ...any) {}

// Errorf is equivalent to Logf followed by Fail.
func (c *common) Errorf(format string, args ...any) {}

// Fatal is equivalent to Log followed by FailNow.
func (c *common) Fatal(args ...any) {}

// Fatalf is equivalent to Logf followed by FailNow.
func (c *common) Fatalf(format string, args ...any) {}

// Skip is equivalent to Log followed by SkipNow.
func (c *common) Skip(args ...any) {}

// Skipf is equivalent to Logf followed by SkipNow.
func (c *common) Skipf(format string, args ...any) {}

// SkipNow marks the test as having been skipped and stops its execution
// by calling [runtime.Goexit].
// If a test fails (see Error, Errorf, Fail) and is then skipped,
// it is still considered to have failed.
// Execution will continue at the next test or benchmark. See also FailNow.
// SkipNow must be called from the goroutine running the test, not from
// other goroutines created during the test. Calling SkipNow does not stop
// those other goroutines.
func (c *common) SkipNow() {}

// Skipped reports whether the test was skipped.
func (c *common) Skipped() bool {}

// Helper marks the calling function as a test helper function.
// When printing file and line information, that function will be skipped.
// Helper may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
func (c *common) Helper() {}

// Cleanup registers a function to be called when the test (or subtest) and all its
// subtests complete. Cleanup functions will be called in last added,
// first called order.
func (c *common) Cleanup(f func()) {}

// TempDir returns a temporary directory for the test to use.
// The directory is automatically removed when the test and
// all its subtests complete.
// Each subsequent call to t.TempDir returns a unique directory;
// if the directory creation fails, TempDir terminates the test by calling Fatal.
func (c *common) TempDir() string {}

// removeAll is like os.RemoveAll, but retries Windows "Access is denied."
// errors up to an arbitrary timeout.
// Those errors have been known to occur spuriously on at least the
// windows-amd64-2012 builder (https://go.dev/issue/50051), and can only occur
// legitimately if the test leaves behind a temp file that either is still open
// or the test otherwise lacks permission to delete. In the case of legitimate
// failures, a failing test may take a bit longer to fail, but once the test is
// fixed the extra latency will go away.
func removeAll(path string) error {}

// Setenv calls os.Setenv(key, value) and uses Cleanup to
// restore the environment variable to its original value
// after the test.
// Because Setenv affects the whole process, it cannot be used
// in parallel tests or tests with parallel ancestors.
func (c *common) Setenv(key, value string) {}

// Chdir calls os.Chdir(dir) and uses Cleanup to restore the current
// working directory to its original value after the test. On Unix, it
// also sets PWD environment variable for the duration of the test.
// Because Chdir affects the whole process, it cannot be used
// in parallel tests or tests with parallel ancestors.
func (c *common) Chdir(dir string) {}

// Context returns a context that is canceled just before
// [T.Cleanup]-registered functions are called.
// Cleanup functions can wait for any resources
// that shut down on Context.Done before the test completes.
func (c *common) Context() context.Context {}

type panicHandling

const normalPanic

const recoverAndReturnPanic

// runCleanup is called at the end of the test.
// If ph is recoverAndReturnPanic, it will catch panics, and return the
// recovered value if any.
func (c *common) runCleanup(ph panicHandling) (panicVal any) {}

// resetRaces updates c.parent's count of data race errors (or the global count,
// if c has no parent), and updates c.lastRaceErrors to match.
// Any races that occurred prior to this call to resetRaces will
// not be attributed to c.
func (c *common) resetRaces() {}

// checkRaces checks whether the global count of data race errors has increased
// since c's count was last reset.
// If so, it marks c as having failed due to those races (logging an error for
// the first such race), and updates the race counts for the parents of c so
// that if they are currently suspended (such as in a call to T.Run) they will
// not log separate errors for the race(s).
// Note that multiple tests may be marked as failed due to the same race if they
// are executing in parallel.
func (c *common) checkRaces() (raceErrors int64) {}

// callerName gives the function name (qualified with a package path)
// for the caller after skip frames (where 0 means the current function).
func callerName(skip int) string {}

func pcToName(pc uintptr) string {}

const parallelConflict

// Parallel signals that this test is to be run in parallel with (and only with)
// other parallel tests. When a test is run multiple times due to use of
// -test.count or -test.cpu, multiple instances of a single test never run in
// parallel with each other.
func (t *T) Parallel() {}

func (t *T) checkParallel() {}

// Setenv calls os.Setenv(key, value) and uses Cleanup to
// restore the environment variable to its original value
// after the test.
// Because Setenv affects the whole process, it cannot be used
// in parallel tests or tests with parallel ancestors.
func (t *T) Setenv(key, value string) {}

// Chdir calls os.Chdir(dir) and uses Cleanup to restore the current
// working directory to its original value after the test. On Unix, it
// also sets PWD environment variable for the duration of the test.
// Because Chdir affects the whole process, it cannot be used
// in parallel tests or tests with parallel ancestors.
func (t *T) Chdir(dir string) {}

type InternalTest

var errNilPanicOrGoexit

func tRunner(t *T, fn func(t *T)) {}

// Run runs f as a subtest of t called name. It runs f in a separate goroutine
// and blocks until f returns or calls t.Parallel to become a parallel test.
// Run reports whether f succeeded (or at least did not fail before calling t.Parallel).
// Run may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines, but all such calls
// must return before the outer test function for t returns.
func (t *T) Run(name string, f func(t *T)) bool {}

// Deadline reports the time at which the test binary will have
// exceeded the timeout specified by the -timeout flag.
// The ok result is false if the -timeout flag indicates “no timeout” (0).
func (t *T) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {}

type testState

func newTestState(maxParallel int, m *matcher) *testState {}

func (s *testState) waitParallel() {}

func (s *testState) release() {}

var errMain

type matchStringOnly

func (f matchStringOnly) MatchString(pat, str string) (bool, error)   {}

func (f matchStringOnly) StartCPUProfile(w io.Writer) error           {}

func (f matchStringOnly) StopCPUProfile()                             {}

func (f matchStringOnly) WriteProfileTo(string, io.Writer, int) error {}

func (f matchStringOnly) ImportPath() string                          {}

func (f matchStringOnly) StartTestLog(io.Writer)                      {}

func (f matchStringOnly) StopTestLog() error                          {}

func (f matchStringOnly) SetPanicOnExit0(bool)                        {}

func (f matchStringOnly) CoordinateFuzzing(time.Duration, int64, time.Duration, int64, int, []corpusEntry, []reflect.Type, string, string) error {}

func (f matchStringOnly) RunFuzzWorker(func(corpusEntry) error) error {}

func (f matchStringOnly) ReadCorpus(string, []reflect.Type) ([]corpusEntry, error) {}

func (f matchStringOnly) CheckCorpus([]any, []reflect.Type) error {}

func (f matchStringOnly) ResetCoverage()                          {}

func (f matchStringOnly) SnapshotCoverage()                       {}

func (f matchStringOnly) InitRuntimeCoverage() (mode string, tearDown func(string, string) (string, error), snapcov func() float64) {}

// Main is an internal function, part of the implementation of the "go test" command.
// It was exported because it is cross-package and predates "internal" packages.
// It is no longer used by "go test" but preserved, as much as possible, for other
// systems that simulate "go test" using Main, but Main sometimes cannot be updated as
// new functionality is added to the testing package.
// Systems simulating "go test" should be updated to use MainStart.
func Main(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, examples []InternalExample) {}

type M

type testDeps

// MainStart is meant for use by tests generated by 'go test'.
// It is not meant to be called directly and is not subject to the Go 1 compatibility document.
// It may change signature from release to release.
func MainStart(deps testDeps, tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, fuzzTargets []InternalFuzzTarget, examples []InternalExample) *M {}

var testingTesting

var realStderr

// Run runs the tests. It returns an exit code to pass to os.Exit.
func (m *M) Run() (code int) {}

func (t *T) report() {}

func listTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, fuzzTargets []InternalFuzzTarget, examples []InternalExample) {}

// RunTests is an internal function but exported because it is cross-package;
// it is part of the implementation of the "go test" command.
func RunTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest) (ok bool) {}

func runTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, deadline time.Time) (ran, ok bool) {}

// before runs before all testing.
func (m *M) before() {}

// after runs after all testing.
func (m *M) after() {}

func (m *M) writeProfiles() {}

// toOutputDir returns the file name relocated, if required, to outputDir.
// Simple implementation to avoid pulling in path/filepath.
func toOutputDir(path string) string {}

// startAlarm starts an alarm if requested.
func (m *M) startAlarm() time.Time {}

// runningList returns the list of running tests.
func runningList() []string {}

// stopAlarm turns off the alarm.
func (m *M) stopAlarm() {}

func parseCpuList() {}

func shouldFailFast() bool {}