
type FuncMap

// builtins returns the FuncMap.
// It is not a global variable so the linker can dead code eliminate
// more when this isn't called. See golang.org/issue/36021.
// TODO: revert this back to a global map once golang.org/issue/2559 is fixed.
func builtins() FuncMap {}

var builtinFuncsOnce

// builtinFuncsOnce lazily computes & caches the builtinFuncs map.
// TODO: revert this back to a global map once golang.org/issue/2559 is fixed.
func builtinFuncs() map[string]reflect.Value {}

// createValueFuncs turns a FuncMap into a map[string]reflect.Value
func createValueFuncs(funcMap FuncMap) map[string]reflect.Value {}

// addValueFuncs adds to values the functions in funcs, converting them to reflect.Values.
func addValueFuncs(out map[string]reflect.Value, in FuncMap) {}

// addFuncs adds to values the functions in funcs. It does no checking of the input -
// call addValueFuncs first.
func addFuncs(out, in FuncMap) {}

// goodFunc reports whether the function or method has the right result signature.
func goodFunc(name string, typ reflect.Type) error {}

// goodName reports whether the function name is a valid identifier.
func goodName(name string) bool {}

// findFunction looks for a function in the template, and global map.
func findFunction(name string, tmpl *Template) (v reflect.Value, isBuiltin, ok bool) {}

// prepareArg checks if value can be used as an argument of type argType, and
// converts an invalid value to appropriate zero if possible.
func prepareArg(value reflect.Value, argType reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, error) {}

func intLike(typ reflect.Kind) bool {}

// indexArg checks if a reflect.Value can be used as an index, and converts it to int if possible.
func indexArg(index reflect.Value, cap int) (int, error) {}

// index returns the result of indexing its first argument by the following
// arguments. Thus "index x 1 2 3" is, in Go syntax, x[1][2][3]. Each
// indexed item must be a map, slice, or array.
func index(item reflect.Value, indexes ...reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {}

// slice returns the result of slicing its first argument by the remaining
// arguments. Thus "slice x 1 2" is, in Go syntax, x[1:2], while "slice x"
// is x[:], "slice x 1" is x[1:], and "slice x 1 2 3" is x[1:2:3]. The first
// argument must be a string, slice, or array.
func slice(item reflect.Value, indexes ...reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {}

// length returns the length of the item, with an error if it has no defined length.
func length(item reflect.Value) (int, error) {}

func emptyCall(fn reflect.Value, args ...reflect.Value) reflect.Value {}

// call returns the result of evaluating the first argument as a function.
// The function must return 1 result, or 2 results, the second of which is an error.
func call(name string, fn reflect.Value, args ...reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {}

// safeCall runs fun.Call(args), and returns the resulting value and error, if
// any. If the call panics, the panic value is returned as an error.
func safeCall(fun reflect.Value, args []reflect.Value) (val reflect.Value, err error) {}

func truth(arg reflect.Value) bool {}

// and computes the Boolean AND of its arguments, returning
// the first false argument it encounters, or the last argument.
func and(arg0 reflect.Value, args ...reflect.Value) reflect.Value {}

// or computes the Boolean OR of its arguments, returning
// the first true argument it encounters, or the last argument.
func or(arg0 reflect.Value, args ...reflect.Value) reflect.Value {}

// not returns the Boolean negation of its argument.
func not(arg reflect.Value) bool {}

var errBadComparisonType

var errBadComparison

var errNoComparison

type kind

const invalidKind

const boolKind

const complexKind

const intKind

const floatKind

const stringKind

const uintKind

func basicKind(v reflect.Value) (kind, error) {}

// isNil returns true if v is the zero reflect.Value, or nil of its type.
func isNil(v reflect.Value) bool {}

// canCompare reports whether v1 and v2 are both the same kind, or one is nil.
// Called only when dealing with nillable types, or there's about to be an error.
func canCompare(v1, v2 reflect.Value) bool {}

// eq evaluates the comparison a == b || a == c || ...
func eq(arg1 reflect.Value, arg2 ...reflect.Value) (bool, error) {}

// ne evaluates the comparison a != b.
func ne(arg1, arg2 reflect.Value) (bool, error) {}

// lt evaluates the comparison a < b.
func lt(arg1, arg2 reflect.Value) (bool, error) {}

// le evaluates the comparison <= b.
func le(arg1, arg2 reflect.Value) (bool, error) {}

// gt evaluates the comparison a > b.
func gt(arg1, arg2 reflect.Value) (bool, error) {}

// ge evaluates the comparison a >= b.
func ge(arg1, arg2 reflect.Value) (bool, error) {}

var htmlQuot

var htmlApos

var htmlAmp

var htmlLt

var htmlGt

var htmlNull

// HTMLEscape writes to w the escaped HTML equivalent of the plain text data b.
func HTMLEscape(w io.Writer, b []byte) {}

// HTMLEscapeString returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the plain text data s.
func HTMLEscapeString(s string) string {}

// HTMLEscaper returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the textual
// representation of its arguments.
func HTMLEscaper(args ...any) string {}

var jsLowUni

var hex

var jsBackslash

var jsApos

var jsQuot

var jsLt

var jsGt

var jsAmp

var jsEq

// JSEscape writes to w the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text data b.
func JSEscape(w io.Writer, b []byte) {}

// JSEscapeString returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text data s.
func JSEscapeString(s string) string {}

func jsIsSpecial(r rune) bool {}

// JSEscaper returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the textual
// representation of its arguments.
func JSEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// URLQueryEscaper returns the escaped value of the textual representation of
// its arguments in a form suitable for embedding in a URL query.
func URLQueryEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// evalArgs formats the list of arguments into a string. It is therefore equivalent to
//	fmt.Sprint(args...)
// except that each argument is indirected (if a pointer), as required,
// using the same rules as the default string evaluation during template
// execution.
func evalArgs(args []any) string {}