
var itemName

func (i itemType) String() string {}

type lexTest

func mkItem(typ itemType, text string) item {}

var tDot

var tBlock

var tEOF

var tFor

var tLeft

var tLpar

var tPipe

var tQuote

var tRange

var tRight

var tRpar

var tSpace

var raw

var rawNL

var tRawQuote

var tRawQuoteNL

var lexTests

// collect gathers the emitted items into a slice.
func collect(t *lexTest, left, right string) (items []item) {}

func equal(i1, i2 []item, checkPos bool) bool {}

func TestLex(t *testing.T) {}

var lexDelimTests

var tLeftDelim

var tRightDelim

func TestDelims(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDelimsAlphaNumeric(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDelimsAndMarkers(t *testing.T) {}

var lexPosTests

// The other tests don't check position, to make the test cases easier to construct.
// This one does.
func TestPos(t *testing.T) {}

// parseLexer is a local version of parse that lets us pass in the lexer instead of building it.
// We expect an error, so the tree set and funcs list are explicitly nil.
func (t *Tree) parseLexer(lex *lexer) (tree *Tree, err error) {}