
type Tree

type Mode

const ParseComments

const SkipFuncCheck

// Copy returns a copy of the [Tree]. Any parsing state is discarded.
func (t *Tree) Copy() *Tree {}

// Parse returns a map from template name to [Tree], created by parsing the
// templates described in the argument string. The top-level template will be
// given the specified name. If an error is encountered, parsing stops and an
// empty map is returned with the error.
func Parse(name, text, leftDelim, rightDelim string, funcs ...map[string]any) (map[string]*Tree, error) {}

// next returns the next token.
func (t *Tree) next() item {}

// backup backs the input stream up one token.
func (t *Tree) backup() {}

// backup2 backs the input stream up two tokens.
// The zeroth token is already there.
func (t *Tree) backup2(t1 item) {}

// backup3 backs the input stream up three tokens
// The zeroth token is already there.
func (t *Tree) backup3(t2, t1 item) {}

// peek returns but does not consume the next token.
func (t *Tree) peek() item {}

// nextNonSpace returns the next non-space token.
func (t *Tree) nextNonSpace() (token item) {}

// peekNonSpace returns but does not consume the next non-space token.
func (t *Tree) peekNonSpace() item {}

// New allocates a new parse tree with the given name.
func New(name string, funcs ...map[string]any) *Tree {}

// ErrorContext returns a textual representation of the location of the node in the input text.
// The receiver is only used when the node does not have a pointer to the tree inside,
// which can occur in old code.
func (t *Tree) ErrorContext(n Node) (location, context string) {}

// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.
func (t *Tree) errorf(format string, args ...any) {}

// error terminates processing.
func (t *Tree) error(err error) {}

// expect consumes the next token and guarantees it has the required type.
func (t *Tree) expect(expected itemType, context string) item {}

// expectOneOf consumes the next token and guarantees it has one of the required types.
func (t *Tree) expectOneOf(expected1, expected2 itemType, context string) item {}

// unexpected complains about the token and terminates processing.
func (t *Tree) unexpected(token item, context string) {}

// recover is the handler that turns panics into returns from the top level of Parse.
func (t *Tree) recover(errp *error) {}

// startParse initializes the parser, using the lexer.
func (t *Tree) startParse(funcs []map[string]any, lex *lexer, treeSet map[string]*Tree) {}

// stopParse terminates parsing.
func (t *Tree) stopParse() {}

// Parse parses the template definition string to construct a representation of
// the template for execution. If either action delimiter string is empty, the
// default ("{{" or "}}") is used. Embedded template definitions are added to
// the treeSet map.
func (t *Tree) Parse(text, leftDelim, rightDelim string, treeSet map[string]*Tree, funcs ...map[string]any) (tree *Tree, err error) {}

// add adds tree to t.treeSet.
func (t *Tree) add() {}

// IsEmptyTree reports whether this tree (node) is empty of everything but space or comments.
func IsEmptyTree(n Node) bool {}

// parse is the top-level parser for a template, essentially the same
// as itemList except it also parses {{define}} actions.
// It runs to EOF.
func (t *Tree) parse() {}

// parseDefinition parses a {{define}} ...  {{end}} template definition and
// installs the definition in t.treeSet. The "define" keyword has already
// been scanned.
func (t *Tree) parseDefinition() {}

// itemList:
//	textOrAction*
// Terminates at {{end}} or {{else}}, returned separately.
func (t *Tree) itemList() (list *ListNode, next Node) {}

// textOrAction:
//	text | comment | action
func (t *Tree) textOrAction() Node {}

func (t *Tree) clearActionLine() {}

// Action:
//	control
//	command ("|" command)*
// Left delim is past. Now get actions.
// First word could be a keyword such as range.
func (t *Tree) action() (n Node) {}

// Break:
//	{{break}}
// Break keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) breakControl(pos Pos, line int) Node {}

// Continue:
//	{{continue}}
// Continue keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) continueControl(pos Pos, line int) Node {}

// Pipeline:
//	declarations? command ('|' command)*
func (t *Tree) pipeline(context string, end itemType) (pipe *PipeNode) {}

func (t *Tree) checkPipeline(pipe *PipeNode, context string) {}

func (t *Tree) parseControl(context string) (pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) {}

// If:
//	{{if pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
//	{{if pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// If keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) ifControl() Node {}

// Range:
//	{{range pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
//	{{range pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// Range keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) rangeControl() Node {}

// With:
//	{{with pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
//	{{with pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// If keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) withControl() Node {}

// End:
//	{{end}}
// End keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) endControl() Node {}

// Else:
//	{{else}}
// Else keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) elseControl() Node {}

// Block:
//	{{block stringValue pipeline}}
// Block keyword is past.
// The name must be something that can evaluate to a string.
// The pipeline is mandatory.
func (t *Tree) blockControl() Node {}

// Template:
//	{{template stringValue pipeline}}
// Template keyword is past. The name must be something that can evaluate
// to a string.
func (t *Tree) templateControl() Node {}

func (t *Tree) parseTemplateName(token item, context string) (name string) {}

// command:
//	operand (space operand)*
// space-separated arguments up to a pipeline character or right delimiter.
// we consume the pipe character but leave the right delim to terminate the action.
func (t *Tree) command() *CommandNode {}

// operand:
//	term .Field*
// An operand is a space-separated component of a command,
// a term possibly followed by field accesses.
// A nil return means the next item is not an operand.
func (t *Tree) operand() Node {}

// term:
//	literal (number, string, nil, boolean)
//	function (identifier)
//	.
//	.Field
//	$
//	'(' pipeline ')'
// A term is a simple "expression".
// A nil return means the next item is not a term.
func (t *Tree) term() Node {}

// hasFunction reports if a function name exists in the Tree's maps.
func (t *Tree) hasFunction(name string) bool {}

// popVars trims the variable list to the specified length
func (t *Tree) popVars(n int) {}

// useVar returns a node for a variable reference. It errors if the
// variable is not defined.
func (t *Tree) useVar(pos Pos, name string) Node {}