
const Layout

const ANSIC

const UnixDate

const RubyDate

const RFC822

const RFC822Z

const RFC850

const RFC1123

const RFC1123Z

const RFC3339

const RFC3339Nano

const Kitchen

const Stamp

const StampMilli

const StampMicro

const StampNano

const DateTime

const DateOnly

const TimeOnly

const _

const stdLongMonth

const stdMonth

const stdNumMonth

const stdZeroMonth

const stdLongWeekDay

const stdWeekDay

const stdDay

const stdUnderDay

const stdZeroDay

const stdUnderYearDay

const stdZeroYearDay

const stdHour

const stdHour12

const stdZeroHour12

const stdMinute

const stdZeroMinute

const stdSecond

const stdZeroSecond

const stdLongYear

const stdYear

const stdPM

const stdpm

const stdTZ

const stdISO8601TZ

const stdISO8601SecondsTZ

const stdISO8601ShortTZ

const stdISO8601ColonTZ

const stdISO8601ColonSecondsTZ

const stdNumTZ

const stdNumSecondsTz

const stdNumShortTZ

const stdNumColonTZ

const stdNumColonSecondsTZ

const stdFracSecond0

const stdFracSecond9

const stdNeedDate

const stdNeedYday

const stdNeedClock

const stdArgShift

const stdSeparatorShift

const stdMask

var std0x

// startsWithLowerCase reports whether the string has a lower-case letter at the beginning.
// Its purpose is to prevent matching strings like "Month" when looking for "Mon".
func startsWithLowerCase(str string) bool {}

// nextStdChunk finds the first occurrence of a std string in
// layout and returns the text before, the std string, and the text after.
// nextStdChunk should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/searKing/golang/go
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname nextStdChunk
func nextStdChunk(layout string) (prefix string, std int, suffix string) {}

var longDayNames

var shortDayNames

var shortMonthNames

var longMonthNames

// match reports whether s1 and s2 match ignoring case.
// It is assumed s1 and s2 are the same length.
func match(s1, s2 string) bool {}

func lookup(tab []string, val string) (int, string, error) {}

// appendInt appends the decimal form of x to b and returns the result.
// If the decimal form (excluding sign) is shorter than width, the result is padded with leading 0's.
// Duplicates functionality in strconv, but avoids dependency.
func appendInt(b []byte, x int, width int) []byte {}

var errAtoi

// Duplicates functionality in strconv, but avoids dependency.
func atoi[bytes []byte | string](s bytes) (x int, err error) {}

// The "std" value passed to appendNano contains two packed fields: the number of
// digits after the decimal and the separator character (period or comma).
// These functions pack and unpack that variable.
func stdFracSecond(code, n, c int) int {}

func digitsLen(std int) int {}

func separator(std int) byte {}

// appendNano appends a fractional second, as nanoseconds, to b
// and returns the result. The nanosec must be within [0, 999999999].
func appendNano(b []byte, nanosec int, std int) []byte {}

// String returns the time formatted using the format string
//	"2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST"
// If the time has a monotonic clock reading, the returned string
// includes a final field "m=±<value>", where value is the monotonic
// clock reading formatted as a decimal number of seconds.
// The returned string is meant for debugging; for a stable serialized
// representation, use t.MarshalText, t.MarshalBinary, or t.Format
// with an explicit format string.
func (t Time) String() string {}

// GoString implements [fmt.GoStringer] and formats t to be printed in Go source
// code.
func (t Time) GoString() string {}

// Format returns a textual representation of the time value formatted according
// to the layout defined by the argument. See the documentation for the
// constant called [Layout] to see how to represent the layout format.
// The executable example for [Time.Format] demonstrates the working
// of the layout string in detail and is a good reference.
func (t Time) Format(layout string) string {}

// AppendFormat is like [Time.Format] but appends the textual
// representation to b and returns the extended buffer.
func (t Time) AppendFormat(b []byte, layout string) []byte {}

func (t Time) appendFormat(b []byte, layout string) []byte {}

var errBad

type ParseError

// newParseError creates a new ParseError.
// The provided value and valueElem are cloned to avoid escaping their values.
func newParseError(layout, value, layoutElem, valueElem, message string) *ParseError {}

const lowerhex

const runeSelf

const runeError

func quote(s string) string {}

// Error returns the string representation of a ParseError.
func (e *ParseError) Error() string {}

// isDigit reports whether s[i] is in range and is a decimal digit.
func isDigit[bytes []byte | string](s bytes, i int) bool {}

// getnum parses s[0:1] or s[0:2] (fixed forces s[0:2])
// as a decimal integer and returns the integer and the
// remainder of the string.
func getnum(s string, fixed bool) (int, string, error) {}

// getnum3 parses s[0:1], s[0:2], or s[0:3] (fixed forces s[0:3])
// as a decimal integer and returns the integer and the remainder
// of the string.
func getnum3(s string, fixed bool) (int, string, error) {}

func cutspace(s string) string {}

// skip removes the given prefix from value,
// treating runs of space characters as equivalent.
func skip(value, prefix string) (string, error) {}

// Parse parses a formatted string and returns the time value it represents.
// See the documentation for the constant called [Layout] to see how to
// represent the format. The second argument must be parseable using
// the format string (layout) provided as the first argument.
// The example for [Time.Format] demonstrates the working of the layout string
// in detail and is a good reference.
// When parsing (only), the input may contain a fractional second
// field immediately after the seconds field, even if the layout does not
// signify its presence. In that case either a comma or a decimal point
// followed by a maximal series of digits is parsed as a fractional second.
// Fractional seconds are truncated to nanosecond precision.
// Elements omitted from the layout are assumed to be zero or, when
// zero is impossible, one, so parsing "3:04pm" returns the time
// corresponding to Jan 1, year 0, 15:04:00 UTC (note that because the year is
// 0, this time is before the zero Time).
// Years must be in the range 0000..9999. The day of the week is checked
// for syntax but it is otherwise ignored.
// For layouts specifying the two-digit year 06, a value NN >= 69 will be treated
// as 19NN and a value NN < 69 will be treated as 20NN.
// The remainder of this comment describes the handling of time zones.
// In the absence of a time zone indicator, Parse returns a time in UTC.
// When parsing a time with a zone offset like -0700, if the offset corresponds
// to a time zone used by the current location ([Local]), then Parse uses that
// location and zone in the returned time. Otherwise it records the time as
// being in a fabricated location with time fixed at the given zone offset.
// When parsing a time with a zone abbreviation like MST, if the zone abbreviation
// has a defined offset in the current location, then that offset is used.
// The zone abbreviation "UTC" is recognized as UTC regardless of location.
// If the zone abbreviation is unknown, Parse records the time as being
// in a fabricated location with the given zone abbreviation and a zero offset.
// This choice means that such a time can be parsed and reformatted with the
// same layout losslessly, but the exact instant used in the representation will
// differ by the actual zone offset. To avoid such problems, prefer time layouts
// that use a numeric zone offset, or use [ParseInLocation].
func Parse(layout, value string) (Time, error) {}

// ParseInLocation is like Parse but differs in two important ways.
// First, in the absence of time zone information, Parse interprets a time as UTC;
// ParseInLocation interprets the time as in the given location.
// Second, when given a zone offset or abbreviation, Parse tries to match it
// against the Local location; ParseInLocation uses the given location.
func ParseInLocation(layout, value string, loc *Location) (Time, error) {}

func parse(layout, value string, defaultLocation, local *Location) (Time, error) {}

// parseTimeZone parses a time zone string and returns its length. Time zones
// are human-generated and unpredictable. We can't do precise error checking.
// On the other hand, for a correct parse there must be a time zone at the
// beginning of the string, so it's almost always true that there's one
// there. We look at the beginning of the string for a run of upper-case letters.
// If there are more than 5, it's an error.
// If there are 4 or 5 and the last is a T, it's a time zone.
// If there are 3, it's a time zone.
// Otherwise, other than special cases, it's not a time zone.
// GMT is special because it can have an hour offset.
func parseTimeZone(value string) (length int, ok bool) {}

// parseGMT parses a GMT time zone. The input string is known to start "GMT".
// The function checks whether that is followed by a sign and a number in the
// range -23 through +23 excluding zero.
func parseGMT(value string) int {}

// parseSignedOffset parses a signed timezone offset (e.g. "+03" or "-04").
// The function checks for a signed number in the range -23 through +23 excluding zero.
// Returns length of the found offset string or 0 otherwise.
func parseSignedOffset(value string) int {}

func commaOrPeriod(b byte) bool {}

func parseNanoseconds[bytes []byte | string](value bytes, nbytes int) (ns int, rangeErrString string, err error) {}

var errLeadingInt

// leadingInt consumes the leading [0-9]* from s.
func leadingInt[bytes []byte | string](s bytes) (x uint64, rem bytes, err error) {}

// leadingFraction consumes the leading [0-9]* from s.
// It is used only for fractions, so does not return an error on overflow,
// it just stops accumulating precision.
func leadingFraction(s string) (x uint64, scale float64, rem string) {}

var unitMap

// ParseDuration parses a duration string.
// A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of
// decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix,
// such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m".
// Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
func ParseDuration(s string) (Duration, error) {}