
type Location

type zone

type zoneTrans

const alpha

const omega

var UTC

var utcLoc

var Local

var localLoc

var localOnce

func (l *Location) get() *Location {}

// String returns a descriptive name for the time zone information,
// corresponding to the name argument to [LoadLocation] or [FixedZone].
func (l *Location) String() string {}

var unnamedFixedZones

var unnamedFixedZonesOnce

// FixedZone returns a [Location] that always uses
// the given zone name and offset (seconds east of UTC).
func FixedZone(name string, offset int) *Location {}

func fixedZone(name string, offset int) *Location {}

// lookup returns information about the time zone in use at an
// instant in time expressed as seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
// The returned information gives the name of the zone (such as "CET"),
// the start and end times bracketing sec when that zone is in effect,
// the offset in seconds east of UTC (such as -5*60*60), and whether
// the daylight savings is being observed at that time.
func (l *Location) lookup(sec int64) (name string, offset int, start, end int64, isDST bool) {}

// lookupFirstZone returns the index of the time zone to use for times
// before the first transition time, or when there are no transition
// times.
// The reference implementation in localtime.c from
// https://www.iana.org/time-zones/repository/releases/tzcode2013g.tar.gz
// implements the following algorithm for these cases:
//  1. If the first zone is unused by the transitions, use it.
//  2. Otherwise, if there are transition times, and the first
//     transition is to a zone in daylight time, find the first
//     non-daylight-time zone before and closest to the first transition
//     zone.
//  3. Otherwise, use the first zone that is not daylight time, if
//     there is one.
//  4. Otherwise, use the first zone.
func (l *Location) lookupFirstZone() int {}

// firstZoneUsed reports whether the first zone is used by some
// transition.
func (l *Location) firstZoneUsed() bool {}

// tzset takes a timezone string like the one found in the TZ environment
// variable, the time of the last time zone transition expressed as seconds
// since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, and a time expressed the same way.
// We call this a tzset string since in C the function tzset reads TZ.
// The return values are as for lookup, plus ok which reports whether the
// parse succeeded.
func tzset(s string, lastTxSec, sec int64) (name string, offset int, start, end int64, isDST, ok bool) {}

// tzsetName returns the timezone name at the start of the tzset string s,
// and the remainder of s, and reports whether the parsing is OK.
func tzsetName(s string) (string, string, bool) {}

// tzsetOffset returns the timezone offset at the start of the tzset string s,
// and the remainder of s, and reports whether the parsing is OK.
// The timezone offset is returned as a number of seconds.
func tzsetOffset(s string) (offset int, rest string, ok bool) {}

type ruleKind

const ruleJulian

const ruleDOY

const ruleMonthWeekDay

type rule

// tzsetRule parses a rule from a tzset string.
// It returns the rule, and the remainder of the string, and reports success.
func tzsetRule(s string) (rule, string, bool) {}

// tzsetNum parses a number from a tzset string.
// It returns the number, and the remainder of the string, and reports success.
// The number must be between min and max.
func tzsetNum(s string, min, max int) (num int, rest string, ok bool) {}

// tzruleTime takes a year, a rule, and a timezone offset,
// and returns the number of seconds since the start of the year
// that the rule takes effect.
func tzruleTime(year int, r rule, off int) int {}

// lookupName returns information about the time zone with
// the given name (such as "EST") at the given pseudo-Unix time
// (what the given time of day would be in UTC).
func (l *Location) lookupName(name string, unix int64) (offset int, ok bool) {}

var errLocation

var zoneinfo

var zoneinfoOnce

// LoadLocation returns the Location with the given name.
// If the name is "" or "UTC", LoadLocation returns UTC.
// If the name is "Local", LoadLocation returns Local.
// Otherwise, the name is taken to be a location name corresponding to a file
// in the IANA Time Zone database, such as "America/New_York".
// LoadLocation looks for the IANA Time Zone database in the following
// locations in order:
//   - the directory or uncompressed zip file named by the ZONEINFO environment variable
//   - on a Unix system, the system standard installation location
//   - $GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip
//   - the time/tzdata package, if it was imported
func LoadLocation(name string) (*Location, error) {}

// containsDotDot reports whether s contains "..".
func containsDotDot(s string) bool {}