
var stackOnce

var ipv4Enabled

var canListenTCP4OnLoopback

var ipv6Enabled

var canListenTCP6OnLoopback

var unStrmDgramEnabled

var rawSocketSess

var aLongTimeAgo

var neverTimeout

var errNoAvailableInterface

var errNoAvailableAddress

func probeStack() {}

func unixStrmDgramEnabled() bool {}

// SupportsIPv4 reports whether the platform supports IPv4 networking
// functionality.
func SupportsIPv4() bool {}

// SupportsIPv6 reports whether the platform supports IPv6 networking
// functionality.
func SupportsIPv6() bool {}

// SupportsRawSocket reports whether the current session is available
// to use raw sockets.
func SupportsRawSocket() bool {}

// TestableNetwork reports whether network is testable on the current
// platform configuration.
// See func Dial of the standard library for the supported networks.
func TestableNetwork(network string) bool {}

// TestableAddress reports whether address of network is testable on
// the current platform configuration.
func TestableAddress(network, address string) bool {}

// NewLocalListener returns a listener which listens to a loopback IP
// address or local file system path.
// The provided network must be "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6", "unix" or
// "unixpacket".
func NewLocalListener(network string) (net.Listener, error) {}

// NewLocalPacketListener returns a packet listener which listens to a
// loopback IP address or local file system path.
// The provided network must be "udp", "udp4", "udp6" or "unixgram".
func NewLocalPacketListener(network string) (net.PacketConn, error) {}

// LocalPath returns a local path that can be used for Unix-domain
// protocol testing.
func LocalPath() (string, error) {}

// MulticastSource returns a unicast IP address on ifi when ifi is an
// IP multicast-capable network interface.
// The provided network must be "ip", "ip4" or "ip6".
func MulticastSource(network string, ifi *net.Interface) (net.IP, error) {}

// LoopbackInterface returns an available logical network interface
// for loopback test.
func LoopbackInterface() (*net.Interface, error) {}

// RoutedInterface returns a network interface that can route IP
// traffic and satisfies flags.
// The provided network must be "ip", "ip4" or "ip6".
func RoutedInterface(network string, flags net.Flags) (*net.Interface, error) {}

func hasRoutableIP(network string, ifi *net.Interface) (net.IP, bool) {}

func routableIP(network string, ip net.IP) (net.IP, bool) {}