
const MaxSegmentSize

type Iter

type iterFunc

// Init initializes i to iterate over src after normalizing it to Form f.
func (i *Iter) Init(f Form, src []byte) {}

// InitString initializes i to iterate over src after normalizing it to Form f.
func (i *Iter) InitString(f Form, src string) {}

// Seek sets the segment to be returned by the next call to Next to start
// at position p.  It is the responsibility of the caller to set p to the
// start of a segment.
func (i *Iter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {}

// returnSlice returns a slice of the underlying input type as a byte slice.
// If the underlying is of type []byte, it will simply return a slice.
// If the underlying is of type string, it will copy the slice to the buffer
// and return that.
func (i *Iter) returnSlice(a, b int) []byte {}

// Pos returns the byte position at which the next call to Next will commence processing.
func (i *Iter) Pos() int {}

func (i *Iter) setDone() {}

// Done returns true if there is no more input to process.
func (i *Iter) Done() bool {}

// Next returns f(i.input[i.Pos():n]), where n is a boundary of i.input.
// For any input a and b for which f(a) == f(b), subsequent calls
// to Next will return the same segments.
// Modifying runes are grouped together with the preceding starter, if such a starter exists.
// Although not guaranteed, n will typically be the smallest possible n.
func (i *Iter) Next() []byte {}

func nextASCIIBytes(i *Iter) []byte {}

func nextASCIIString(i *Iter) []byte {}

func nextHangul(i *Iter) []byte {}

func nextDone(i *Iter) []byte {}

// nextMulti is used for iterating over multi-segment decompositions
// for decomposing normal forms.
func nextMulti(i *Iter) []byte {}

// nextMultiNorm is used for iterating over multi-segment decompositions
// for composing normal forms.
func nextMultiNorm(i *Iter) []byte {}

// nextDecomposed is the implementation of Next for forms NFD and NFKD.
func nextDecomposed(i *Iter) (next []byte) {}

func doNormDecomposed(i *Iter) []byte {}

func nextCGJDecompose(i *Iter) []byte {}

// nextComposed is the implementation of Next for forms NFC and NFKC.
func nextComposed(i *Iter) []byte {}

func doNormComposed(i *Iter) []byte {}

func nextCGJCompose(i *Iter) []byte {}