
type Form

const NFC

const NFD

const NFKC

const NFKD

// Bytes returns f(b). May return b if f(b) = b.
func (f Form) Bytes(b []byte) []byte {}

// String returns f(s).
func (f Form) String(s string) string {}

// IsNormal returns true if b == f(b).
func (f Form) IsNormal(b []byte) bool {}

func cmpNormalBytes(rb *reorderBuffer) bool {}

// IsNormalString returns true if s == f(s).
func (f Form) IsNormalString(s string) bool {}

// patchTail fixes a case where a rune may be incorrectly normalized
// if it is followed by illegal continuation bytes. It returns the
// patched buffer and whether the decomposition is still in progress.
func patchTail(rb *reorderBuffer) bool {}

func appendQuick(rb *reorderBuffer, i int) int {}

// Append returns f(append(out, b...)).
// The buffer out must be nil, empty, or equal to f(out).
func (f Form) Append(out []byte, src ...byte) []byte {}

func (f Form) doAppend(out []byte, src input, n int) []byte {}

func doAppend(rb *reorderBuffer, out []byte, p int) []byte {}

func doAppendInner(rb *reorderBuffer, p int) []byte {}

// AppendString returns f(append(out, []byte(s))).
// The buffer out must be nil, empty, or equal to f(out).
func (f Form) AppendString(out []byte, src string) []byte {}

// QuickSpan returns a boundary n such that b[0:n] == f(b[0:n]).
// It is not guaranteed to return the largest such n.
func (f Form) QuickSpan(b []byte) int {}

// Span implements transform.SpanningTransformer. It returns a boundary n such
// that b[0:n] == f(b[0:n]). It is not guaranteed to return the largest such n.
func (f Form) Span(b []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) {}

// SpanString returns a boundary n such that s[0:n] == f(s[0:n]).
// It is not guaranteed to return the largest such n.
func (f Form) SpanString(s string, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) {}

// quickSpan returns a boundary n such that src[0:n] == f(src[0:n]) and
// whether any non-normalized parts were found. If atEOF is false, n will
// not point past the last segment if this segment might be become
// non-normalized by appending other runes.
func (f *formInfo) quickSpan(src input, i, end int, atEOF bool) (n int, ok bool) {}

// QuickSpanString returns a boundary n such that s[0:n] == f(s[0:n]).
// It is not guaranteed to return the largest such n.
func (f Form) QuickSpanString(s string) int {}

// FirstBoundary returns the position i of the first boundary in b
// or -1 if b contains no boundary.
func (f Form) FirstBoundary(b []byte) int {}

func (f Form) firstBoundary(src input, nsrc int) int {}

// FirstBoundaryInString returns the position i of the first boundary in s
// or -1 if s contains no boundary.
func (f Form) FirstBoundaryInString(s string) int {}

// NextBoundary reports the index of the boundary between the first and next
// segment in b or -1 if atEOF is false and there are not enough bytes to
// determine this boundary.
func (f Form) NextBoundary(b []byte, atEOF bool) int {}

// NextBoundaryInString reports the index of the boundary between the first and
// next segment in b or -1 if atEOF is false and there are not enough bytes to
// determine this boundary.
func (f Form) NextBoundaryInString(s string, atEOF bool) int {}

func (f Form) nextBoundary(src input, nsrc int, atEOF bool) int {}

// LastBoundary returns the position i of the last boundary in b
// or -1 if b contains no boundary.
func (f Form) LastBoundary(b []byte) int {}

func lastBoundary(fd *formInfo, b []byte) int {}

// decomposeSegment scans the first segment in src into rb. It inserts 0x034f
// (Grapheme Joiner) when it encounters a sequence of more than 30 non-starters
// and returns the number of bytes consumed from src or iShortDst or iShortSrc.
func decomposeSegment(rb *reorderBuffer, sp int, atEOF bool) int {}

// lastRuneStart returns the runeInfo and position of the last
// rune in buf or the zero runeInfo and -1 if no rune was found.
func lastRuneStart(fd *formInfo, buf []byte) (Properties, int) {}

// decomposeToLastBoundary finds an open segment at the end of the buffer
// and scans it into rb. Returns the buffer minus the last segment.
func decomposeToLastBoundary(rb *reorderBuffer) {}